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07/08/2020 12:27:14
07/08/2020 12:15:15
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>>>>>>Yesterday, someone asked me what I had against Susan Rice. My reply....."I don't need to tell you what I think of Susan Rice. I'll just tell you what the Democratic leadership in power in 2012 thought of Susan Rice - they had her go out and spin a truckload of B.S. narrative to the American media about an Al-Q affiliate killing four Americans. It was a communications pimp job - the orders for the lie started with Democratic leadership and came out her wishy-washy mouth. I refuse to vote for someone who is regarded in that way by her own leadership."
>>>>>Agree. Vote Trump, at least you're not getting a career politician whose only concern is a turn at the trough. And there's the entertainment value. Going the other way is the end of America and the start of Amerika - more free stuff for all.
>>>>You don't think Trump is destroying the USA then.
>>>>The most divisive president ever at home and overseas.
>>>>Plumbing new lows in international relations at a time when China and Russia need careful handling. Hes a dangerous clown and a supine republican party are letting him get away with it. checks and balances are smashed up all over the white house floor.
>>>LOL If you believe the USA is run by a single guy. Also LOL if you think the issues in America can be understood with single factor explanations i.e. Orange Man Bad. And, no, I don’t think he is destroying America. He is for sure not polished as a politician and comes across clownish but I would rather a clown then career politicians who have sold their souls for fame and fortune, are serial warmongers, and scandal ridden. This is not about one guy calling the shots.
>>>The much more important question is why you think either candidate, either party, cares about you or is going to make any difference to your quality of life. Voting is all a game played for the benefit of the masses to make them believe they have power when they in fact have none. Vote harder.
>>what do you mean by vote harder ?

quite a nihilistic view of things then. I'd disagree. I think there always hope. Not all politician are self serving charlatans. IMO in the English speaking world one of the most divisive factors has been Murdoch media and some other media magnates. Hopefully people could start reading the news with a more critical eye.

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