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09/08/2020 17:55:13
08/08/2020 14:57:08
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>>>Agree. Vote Trump, at least you're not getting a career politician whose only concern is a turn at the trough. And there's the entertainment value. Going the other way is the end of America and the start of Amerika - more free stuff for all.
>>For a long time, the theme of Trump was, "at least he's not a politician". To a degree, I was saying that in 2016.
>>And yes, he is correct when he talks about the "swamp"
>>But 3 things have happened:
>>First, he has created his own "swamp" - more like a nest of vipers. I have no problem with intellectual street fighters who make an unapologetic push for what is supposed to make this country so great. But he has missed that mark so horribly.
>>Second, after seeing how he operates the last 3.5 years, I think he's been a politician all along....just a different kind of politician.
>>Third...and perhaps most importantly....he just refuses to own up to his mistakes.
>>In 2011, I saw Obama "moderate" and after a series of events, I honestly thought he was starting to come to grips with some of his mistakes and I saw a man who was actually willing to DO the right things. Not consistently, but enough that I had promise for him. But then 2012 came along and a combination of his laziness and the pure dishonestly of his inside group were enough to make me realize I was probably kidding myself.
>>Well, if Trump were to be honest with his base and say, "I've made mistakes and I want the opportunity to do better for this country...I've gone through four years of the learning curve and here's what I'm going to do differently"...and if I felt he meant it...I *might* hold my nose and vote for him. But we are way past that. I don't believe in being humble for the sake of being humble - but I do believe there are humbling situations that put people at a crossroads and force them to reevaluate. It's very difficulty - but it's what makes a great leader. And Trump isn't one.
>>Since Amy Klobuchar stepped away, leaving no one as a good VP choice, I'm likely voting third party.
>Understood but I will say it again - it doesn’t matter who you vote for because this particular guy or that particular person is NOT running the show. And it is a show. The idea that Trump is doing this or doing that is naive. Obama ... the warmonger and debt maker, but he was good in front of a camera, I'll give him that. This is a game to keep the masses feeling that they have a choice but the choice is an illusion, a necessary illusion to keep you in the casino.
>I am amazed that people still talk about how this one promised so-and-so but didn't deliver so now I'll have to vote someone else, for the other guy, for the third party, just to teach those dems/reps/whatever a lesson? How many times do you need to see this story played out? How often do promises have to be made and broken before you start to think maybe this system doesn’t actually work the way you think it works?
>How many politicians have to become staggeringly wealthy whilst in a public-servant role and on your tax dime before you start to wonder that maybe something else is going on and not what you think? How many of our leaders need to be up to their eyeballs in scandal without consequence before you start to look at the whole lot of them with a jaundiced eye? How many virtue signalling photo shoots do the politicians have to do before you literally want to puke?
>How many wars will you let them start and send your children to before you start to wonder that maybe those people “over there” aren’t actually the problem? How many puppet dictators will you allow them to prop up (in your name) and who then go on to brutalize their citizens?
>How much waste of tax money will you accept before you wonder whether these guys have a clue what they are doing? How much of your wealth are you prepared to see evaporate before you realize that maybe this is all not in your interest? Are you aware that just since 2000 your dollar has lost 33% of its purchasing power? Just since 2000!! Didn’t know that I bet. And in the last 100 years Americans have lost 93% of their Dollar purchasing power (same/similar will be for UK £ etc.).
>You don’t have a democracy. You have a corporatocracy. But vote harder anyway.


of course, Californians are infamous for being a tad strange.

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