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MS Open-Sources JET Blue
11/02/2021 16:26:37
07/02/2021 00:28:18
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>>>>was (for me) one of the smartest ways to handle such utterings, which comes back to Naoto.Post.Irony
>>>I mean, somebody coming up with this crap space-laser could not be convinced anyway.
>>but for me the target is not really the emperor wearing no clothes but the onlookers listening to the kid ;-)
>>I listened to a few of fox "news" stuff - if you do that with the expectation of listening to real news, it is much harder to pick out the falsehoods, rhethoric tricks and non sequiturs. Add to that quagmire the also existing trend of MSM to employ similar tricks, no wonder some cannot see the ocean for the waves (seems more dynamic / fitting than to always blame poor trees). Without conscious change of POV onlookers might be tempted to argue about the quality of the shrubbery - to throw some knights into the discussion and threaten tree with herring ;-)
>The story isn't that people are saying this stuff.
>The story is that people are believing it.
>If we are to believe polls, more than 50 million US citizens believe that Trump won the election.
>That's scary but true. I know some of them personally.

More frightening is for me that this is half of what brought a certain Austrian into power over here not even a century ago. I had always dismissed discussion about a coup / civil war in the states before, and the things happening early January were ugly, but not IMO not really a danger (yet). More like Munich Putsch attempt in the twenties than Machtergreifung in the 30ies.

>That means that if you meet 7 people here, one or more of them is embracing a fantasy.
>If not living in a fantasy world makes the rest of us "elite", I'm happy to wear that label but that's not going to make things OK.

The idea to enclose them in a bubble and they will disappear is only correct insofar as they disappear from public scrutiny. Perhaps easier / smaller set to sift through if NSA / FBI / ATF get interested, but certainly not helping in reframing those 1 in 7 and their friends currently on the border on that topic.

In your shoes I'd try a different tactic:
Certainly some votes were falsified (probable, as lots of people in small groups were involved), but there has been no clear evidence shown to be anywhere close to numbers affecting the outcome even in battleground states. Now if the incumbent (who won before against D party in power) prophetizes this chain of events months in advance, but is unable to build up structures demonstrating/proving those events, it might be more 'mericun to evict him from power, as this only proves that Trump is ineffective as a leader, goaded by smart operators to hunt for children in Pizza Parlor cellars.

>There's a lot of stress here.
>Millions of people lost everything in the collapse of 2006, and just as they were recovering, the pandemic caused an even greater economic collapse. I've been around since the great depression and I don't recall any time when the job market was socked so hard back to back.
>There are a lot of angry people here.

Pressure building up here as well, although we are less accustomed to demonstrate via freeing brand new TV sets - EU really bungling vacc contracts will elevate our death count while enjoying further lockdown, not into US heigths, but gaining a third as measured in percentages. While I blame Trump downplaying Corona for 10 - 25% of total US Covid death count, he probably "saved" half a dozen 9/11 # by MAGA vacc contracts.

But Trump is in trouble for deaths on January 6th, of which only the guy doing his duty is to mourn IMO. But I am a numbers, not gut driven guy...


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