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18/02/2021 06:59:21
17/02/2021 14:00:59
Mike Yearwood
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>>>>>Can I assume by "attempted rapist" you are referring to Kavanaugh, or someone else?
>>>>>>Yes, Kavanaugh. Horrifying that two of nine on the Supreme Court have reasonably well-document histories of sexual misconduct.
>>>>>OK, you've written that Kavanaugh was an attempted rapist and that there's reasonably well-documented histories.
>>>>>Prove it. In a paragraph or two, what's the compelling evidence against him.
>>>>As you know perfectly well, there's no way to _prove_ such a thing. This is a big part of why so many men have gotten away with assaulting women over the years. However, Ford's testimony was extremely compelling and, IIRC, she told multiple people about it over the years. In addition, again IIRC, there were multiple people who acknowledged witnessing the Yale incident.
>>>>FWIW, I think it's entirely possible that Kavanaugh has no memory of the Ford incident, that he was too drunk to remember.
>>>and when no women make false accusations, ever, even when the police pressure them to, then we shall see.
>>The number of false accusations by women in quite small, generally considered to be around 5%. OTOH, 80 to 90% of rapes don't get reported to the police, in part because of the way women are treated when they report. Here's an example of what women run into: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Unbelievable_Story_of_Rape
>I don't care about the percentages. No one should be covering up any of this. However, when a man is accused falsely the police go all Knights of Nih.

The point is you're focused on the wrong problem. Statistics say that about 1 of every 4 women is sexually assaulted in her lifetime. But almost none of those men pay anything for the crimes. Women have to spend large chunks of their lives worrying about how to live without being assaulted. Men get away with the assaults.

This is from a guy named Jackson Katz, who does seminars on this stuff:

“I draw a line down the middle of a chalkboard, sketching a male symbol on one side and a female symbol on the other. Then I ask just the men: What steps do you guys take, on a daily basis, to prevent yourselves from being sexually assaulted? At first there is a kind of awkward silence as the men try to figure out if they've been asked a trick question. The silence gives way to a smattering of nervous laughter. Occasionally, a young a guy will raise his hand and say, 'I stay out of prison.' This is typically followed by another moment of laughter, before someone finally raises his hand and soberly states, 'Nothing. I don't think about it.' Then I ask women the same question. What steps do you take on a daily basis to prevent yourselves from being sexually assaulted? Women throughout the audience immediately start raising their hands. As the men sit in stunned silence, the women recount safety precautions they take as part of their daily routine. Here are some of their answers: Hold my keys as a potential weapon. Look in the back seat of the car before getting in. Carry a cell phone. Don't go jogging at night. Lock all the windows when I sleep, even on hot summer nights. Be careful not to drink too much. Don't put my drink down and come back to it; make sure I see it being poured. Own a big dog. Carry Mace or pepper spray. Have an unlisted phone number. Have a man's voice on my answering machine. Park in well-lit areas. Don't use parking garages. Don't get on elevators with only one man, or with a group of men. Vary my route home from work. Watch what I wear. Don't use highway rest areas. Use a home alarm system. Don't wear headphones when jogging. Avoid forests or wooded areas, even in the daytime. Don't take a first-floor apartment. Go out in groups. Own a firearm. Meet men on first dates in public places. Make sure to have a car or cab fare. Don't make eye contact with men on the street. Make assertive eye contact with men on the street.”

We are wasting so much human potential because the default assumption when a woman says she was attacked is that she's lying.


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