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Do I need DoDefault() in Refresh()?
10/03/2021 09:49:00
Lutz Scheffler
Lutz Scheffler Software Ingenieurbüro
Dresden, Allemagne
Information générale
Visual FoxPro
Codage, syntaxe et commandes
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>>>>>>>I think, only if they have a ControlSource bound to the cursor. Those must, because they change. But this is a guess only. Test would need code in any objects refresh and eventlogging.
>>>>>>In my case all controls are bound to the cursor. So, this must be what causes the Refresh to fire. I will double check.
>>>>>>I had so many Refresh() in my form (quite loaded form with a pageframe and multiple containers) and I saw that one of the container's Refresh was firing many times. I am trying to get it down to have it fired one time only. You input helps.
>>>>>>Thank you.
>>>>>Labels, for example, do not own ControSource. But refresh :)
>>>>I was just thinking of that too. I have Labels that change the Caption when a record moves, and they refresh.
>>>But then there must be code doing this. This might be the right place for any work on change of record pointer, do you trace this via refresh?
>>There is only one Label and Textbox on this form which are NOT on a container. And the Label does have a code in the Refresh method that changes the Caption. All other controls are on Containers. And since the Containers refresh, all controls on the containers refresh too.
>>>off topic
>>>Have you considered to use textbox instead of label? ReadOnly, no frame and so on could look like a label ... Just RETURN .F. in WHEN, and you have a label that alters text on record change ...
>>This form is super populated and has tons of code. I prefer not to make any "big" changes so that not to brake something.
>Code finally running is so boring ...

I know :). But I am taking care of one of my daughter's dog for a few weeks and my time is all dedicated to her (the dog :))
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