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>>>>So the logic goes as follows:
>>>>1) The “vaccine” does not prevent infection or transmission (CDC)
>>>>2) Children can get and spread the virus
>>>>3) So give the children the “vaccine”
>>>>4) Go back to #1
>>>>At best the “vaccine” offers a personal protection in the form of a claimed reduced severity if infected. It neither prevents infection nor transmission (CDC acknowledges this) therefore those who take the “vaccine” do not help others but only possibly themselves. Therefore it should be a personal choice - no medication is without risk and potential side-effects. In addition, the virus has been found in multiple animal populations which act as a reservoir which will always be with us.
>>>First, welcome back.
>>>I think you explain the vaccine situation exactly as it is. I admit that I took the vaccine to protect myself from the worst effects of Covid. That is all the vaccine makers, not the politicians, promised. I have no doubts that the vaccines have greatly reduced the severity and deaths from Covid. For those that believe otherwise or have other conditions which cause them reject the vaccine, it's their choice.
>>You are one of the voices of rationality in this place but there are too few I fear. I wanted to research a VFP problem but could not help myself commenting, just got sucked in I guess. I wont stick around long - I will leave you all in peace.
>>Your approach to the "vaccine" as a personal protection choice is your right. Japan has shown the mature way to deal with this issue by informing their citizens about the pros and cons of taking it and the pros and cons of not taking it but, more importantly, disallowing any condemnation or ostracizing of those who choose not to. They value harmony in their society, they respect the intelligence of their people, and respect each person’s right to make their own choices for a highly non-lethal disease comparable in severity to an above average annual flu. For the record; I am not anti-vax or even anti-this-vax. I am not saying I have or have not taken this vaccine – that is my personal business and choice specific for my life circumstances. I am talking about the principals involved.
>>Your country is done, the America of our youth is finished. It was a beautiful and unique dream but now it is over. You have allowed a totalitarian state to develop. Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex but actually it is fascism that you have allowed to come to power – the marriage of corporatism and government. And now many cheer on the segregation of your fellow citizens, the demonization of millions of your brothers and sisters, family and friends, and the mandating of medical procedures. And mandated medical procedures you want today are going to become mandated medical procedures you don’t want tomorrow. We are well on our way onto that slippery slope.
>>The world has gone mad and every conspiracy theory has come true - it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad to see America fall so far from the ideals she was created on. She has fallen on our watch but I’m sure our children will be understanding.
>>In the main it is those who ate themselves into obesity, sugared themselves into diabetes, junk food addicts, soda guzzlers, smokers, boozers, the meat eaters and cholesterol junkies, the sedentary lifestylers who would not compensate their lifestyle with a work-out for an hour or two a day – those are the ones who are at risk and are now desperate to force others to protect them for the decades of poor lifestyle choices they have made. Take a look at yourselves in the mirror, at your bodies, and say it isn’t so.
>>So let's all enjoy our boosters forever. I'm sure our children and grand-children will thank us for making them protect us.
>>PS. I am not criticizing smokers, drinkers, etc. Do what you want, it's none of my business, it's your life. I just want everyone to accept responsibility and pay for their own life choices.
>You are "not criticizing smokers, drinkers, etc" you're just blaming them for the pandemic and suggesting that you're OK if they die as long as no 'healthy' people are inconvenienced. Tell me again how concerned you are about "segregation of your fellow citizens". Or better, don't. Just stop. While you're stopping, also stop watching Fox News.

Read for comprehension much? I never suggested those with poor lifestyle choices are the cause of the pandemic. However C19 affects, by far, those in poor health and immune compromised; 90%+ of C19 deaths have 1 comorbidity, 80%+ have 2 or more. The most common comorbidity is obesity and then diabetes - both of which are very often the result of lifestyle choices. If those people want to take a medication to help them survive C19 then that's awesome, personal choice which I’m all for. But now you also want those not at any particular risk, especially children and anyone under 25, to take the vax too even though the vax neither prevents infection nor transmission (CDC) but you think injecting a child will protect you. That's totalitarianism, medical tyranny, and stupidity on a monumental scale due to ignoring the precautionary principle. But anyway, it’s a done thing. We can all enjoy our 3 monthly boosters forever. Buy Pfizer stock.

Anyway, moving on. Wouldnt want to create any "noise" here.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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