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Booster Shots
02/01/2022 15:43:34
Lutz Scheffler (En ligne)
Lutz Scheffler Software Ingenieurbüro
Dresden, Allemagne
02/01/2022 14:55:20
Thomas Ganss (En ligne)
Main Trend
Frankfurt, Allemagne
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Visual FoxPro
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>>You know that symptomatic COVID-19 is meaning the vaccine is working? It sharpens the immune systems response, so what is shown is that the booster need a while to kick in.
>Only in part – fever as prime example. Some symptoms just stem from the fact that some virulent side effects like cell fusioning in lung or circular system might kill you. Others, like loss of smell point to more than respirational and circulation cells being affected.
>>The vaccine does not stop one from getting infected, It stops the virus from spreading wide and become real high numbers.
>see my first line...
>>Anyway, the immune system must kick in. This does not work with single virus,
>Mostly true as SARS/Cov2 infection is probably > .9 airborne/aerosol based and current vaccines pre-load the immune system with IgG antibodies, which circulate in blood. IgA antibodies, for instance created via a nasal spray, might (typically) have even shorter life span, but will attach to the virus earlier and create a Kamikaze early attack on SARS-Cov2 as it is trying to establish first beach heads. Not the Star Trek defense shield some might visualize but a large step in sterile immunity direction. Of course „sterile“ will be taken out of context in some echo chambers as proof of Gates nefarious intention to lower population density via vaccination :-(
>>The story that a vaccine makes one immune is marketing for the majority.
>Yes and no - the operational definition in lay people does not match the one used in science.
>In science immunity is given with the slightest whiff above previous zero.
>>...Else probability works only on large enough numbers, several hundred thousand are normally a good idea. Crap done on tens or hundreds is w/o meaning in statistics. To grok statistics one is a mathematician by birth and then one specialise by several years of study.
>No - Probability works on each numbers toss, roll of dice, card draw.
>Since my Martian is pretty poor, I am uncertain if I grok statitics, used it
>>This (statistics, virus distribution) is simply to complex for John Doe. John Doe gets first-order approximation, what never ever is how it works. Even high level approach is talking of virus in the environment. But it is virons. And there are more levels of complexity.
>>This is like talking a rocket must reach height because it ends up above us. But the real problem is speed. Or energy transferred to speed. Or ...
>The fact that current western vaccines work is (to me) evident unless numbers given by WHO, CDC, NHS, RKI are totally bogus
>A statistical proof which could satisfy a gifted (formal) mathmatician is much harder, as almost every underlying assumption on base distributions is not met
>But for me seeing many more deaths per age-stratified unvaccinated capita count was enough to reject rolling the dice in that group ;-)
>>So, simply trust those that do that for life. Like you trust a CPU designer, a car maker or what ever.
>(combined with from your other post adressed to me, DRY is good)
>>>I placed my chips on heterologuous shots - Based on scant data and my own thinking.
>>>Pfizer after AZ, boosted by Moderna.
>>For us the medics where refusing to give three different shots. They just repeated the second. On a variety of combinations.
>I trust the vaccines developers publishing their studies and even more the published *data* from CDC, NHS, RKI and Israel.
>But emphatic NO to the talking heads ***with real say-so*** (empowered politicians worried about economy and thereby re-election chances, groups like FDA, STIKO et al. tasked with providing safe harbour rules for certain treatments within timeframes and other rules)
>as well as click-hunting sensationalist media and attention seeking "influencers" creating current cacophony.
>Medical Doctors have different opinions and I sampled not enough to form educated opinion ;-)
>Don't know how many medics you asked, not even if they were from vacc centers, regular doctor practice or some special effort.
>On the reason and usefulness of gov vaccination centers I oscillate somewhere between low opinion and conspiracy theory:
>They cost(ed) a bundle and were never necessary, as above 7 million per week in 12/21 were handled with most of them closed.
>In the first months of 2021 not enough vaccine was available - a finer grained distribution schema would have sufficed.
>Hanlon's razor might be safer to assume than prescient Spahn trying to stifle unrest on distribution unequalities ;-)
>If I had followed the advice of STIKO, vacc center docs and politics, I would be scrambling now for a booster for double dosed AZ
>with drastically reduced antibody protection in the peak times of delta (compared to other schema), as on 2021.12.21 STIKO changed
>their best practice hints, same as after June.
>Following own counsel served me well. Bull headedness here was not a detriment.
>my 2222€ (did invest research and arguing time)

Hi Thomas

Well the vacc centres. Let's say I avoid the medics here. They are simply non-organised places to spread diseases. I'm thankful for the vacc centres with enough space (iow cubic) around me. While Spahn is nothing to talk about, but this one was working. And here are places where the only MD in the village might be Querdenker and antivaxer (For any vaccination). Or believes in Germanic New Medicine. Or is otherwise such a Nazi one prefers to die before using his help. On the eastern outskirt they have done a great work. Worth every cent. I think in some corners in the south-west too.
I can not see how the MD around the corner could provide insulation, waiting rooms etc on such a through-put like the centres. They are full with normal patients with normal problems. Should they stop working for month to put the shot in all patients on their books willing? Because it needs time and space to do it. This is not like a influenza shot dabbled. Those I know doing it (A lot simply refused. And a lot of them known pro vaxers) where completely overworked with just vaccinating those unable to reach the centres. If the shitty distribution worked.

For Hanlon's Law. Nobody can assume the deepness of it. In special not for Jens Spahn.
Words are given to man to enable him to conceal his true feelings.
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord

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