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Testing SMTP email calls
05/01/2024 06:55:37
04/01/2024 22:07:15
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Thanks. Based on the test I did with the code Borislav gave me, the problem is clearly a configuration issue on my side, not the code I wrote. Got to figure out what I need to tweak to allow the connection.


>This code has been running daily for about 20 years. I think I copied from Sergey.
>PARAMETERS pc_attachmentname, pc_subject, ;
>  pc_mailtext, pc_addresslist
>LOCAL trycount
>loMail = NEWOBJECT("lf_cdomail","cdomaillib")
>WITH loMail
>  *-- Create error collection
>  .oErrors = CREATEOBJECT("Collection")
>  .cServer = oApp.gc_smtpserver
>  .nServerPort = oApp.ln_cdoserport
>  *-- Use SSL connection
>  .lUseSSL = oApp.ll_cdousessl
>  .nConnectionTimeout = oApp.ln_cdotimeout && Default 30 sec's
>  *-- Do not use cache for cHtmlBodyUrl
>  .lURLGetLatestVersion = oApp.ll_cdogetver
>  *-- Use SMTP Server Port
>  .nSendUsingPort = oApp.ln_cdouseport
>  *-- The following lines are required
>  * 	if your SMTP server requires basic authentication
>  .nAuthenticate = oApp.ln_cdoauthen
>  .cUserName = oApp.gc_smtpuser
>  .cPassword = oApp.gc_smtppass
>  .cFrom =  oApp.gc_smtpfrom
>  *-- Use use testaddr for mail testing
>  IF  oApp.gl_mailtest
>    .cTo = oApp.gc_testaddr
>    .cTo = pc_addresslist
>  .cCC = ""
>  .cBCC = ""
>  .cHtmlBody = ""
>  .cAttachment = ""
>  *-- Attachments are optional Comment this line out if there are no attachments
>  IF NOT EMPTY(pc_attachmentname)
>    .cAttachment =  pc_attachmentname
>  .cSubject = pc_subject
>  .cHtmlBody = pc_mailtext
>  .cTextBody = pc_mailtext
>  trycount =1
>  DO WHILE trycount < 4
>    IF .Send() <> 0 AND trycount = 3
>      DO notice WITH "Mail Sending Error"
>      EXIT
>    ELSE
>      EXIT
>    ENDIF
>    trycount = trycount +1
>>>"Connection Rejected"
>>>if I remember correctly Office 365 requires oAuth 2.0 authentication and the port can't be 25 (maybe 465 or 587), TLS 1.2
>>>You could try to send mail with normal CDO with the same parameters (port 25, w/o authentication) just to see if it is possible or what error message this will return.
>>Thanks. For now, I'm trying this without Office 365 involved at all for simplicity. That's the reason for using the free online SMTP server. I tried setting smtpAuthMethod and that doesn't change anything (which makes sense, based on the docs).
>>I tried your CDO code below and that also fails to send with the error:
>>OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from CDO.Message.1: The transport failed to connect to the server.
>>That makes me think that maybe the note in the original error message about a firewall issue may be the key to solving this. (I hate this kind of stuff.)
>>>This works for me (I don't receive any eMail though)
>>>    LOCAL loCDOMesage AS CDO.Message
>>>    LOCAL loCDOConfig AS CDO.Configuration
>>>    lcSchema    = [http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/]
>>>    loCDOConfig = CREATEOBJECT([CDO.Configuration])
>>>    WITH loCDOConfig.FIELDS
>>>         .ITEM(lcSchema + [smtpserverport])   = 25
>>>         .ITEM(lcSchema + [sendusing])        = 2
>>>         .ITEM(lcSchema + [smtpserver])       = "smtp.freesmtpservers.com"
>>>         .ITEM(lcSchema + [smtpauthenticate]) = 0
>>>         .ITEM(lcSchema + [sendusername])     = ""
>>>         .ITEM(lcSchema + [sendpassword])     = ""
>>>         .ITEM(lcSchema + [smtpusessl])       = .f.
>>>         .UPDATE()
>>>    ENDWITH
>>>    loCDOMesage = CREATEOBJECT([CDO.Message])
>>>    loCDOMesage.Configuration = m.loCDOConfig
>>>    loCDOMesage.BodyPart.Charset     = "utf-8"
>>>    WITH loCDOMesage
>>>         .From     = "from@somemail.com"
>>>         .To       = "to@somemail.com"
>>>         .Subject  = "This is a test"
>>>         .HTMLBody = "Test of the body contets"
>>>         .HTMLBodyPart.Charset = "utf-8"
>>>         .TextBodyPart.Charset = "utf-8"
>>>         TRY
>>>            .Send()
>>>         CATCH TO oError
>>>            MesageBox(oError.Message)
>>>         ENDTRY
>>>    ENDWITH
>>>    loCDOMesage = NULL
>>>    loCDOConfig = NULL
>>>    RELEASE loCDOConfig, loCDOMesage
>>>RETURN ""
>>>***** UPDATE
>>>Maybe Chilkat smtpauthenticate equivalent is TRUE by default?
>>>Maybe if you change it to FALSE it will work?
>>>>I'm just getting started replacing an old email module I wrote for a client that doesn't seem to be working for their customers anymore.
>>>>For various reasons, choosing to do this with Chilkat and the new ChilkatVFP wrapper. I've figured out the code I need to create and send an email, but I'm struggling in testing it. When I tried to configure it to use the SMTP server associated with my Office365-based Exchange Server, I got authentication errors.
>>>>I poked around and found a cool site that provides a test SMTP server online so you can test email issues (https://www.wpoven.com/tools/free-smtp-server-for-testing). Even found a different site that lets you test sending via SMTP (https://smtpserver.com/smtptest). When I use the second site to send an email using the first site's server, the email goes through without error, so I know I've got the right SMTP settings.
>>>>But when I use my code to try to send via the first site, I time out. This is really simple code, just to make sure I can make it all work. After the necessary SET PATH and SET CLASSLIB, it's just:
>>>>loEmail = CREATEOBJECT('Email')
>>>>loEmail.Subject = 'This is a test'
>>>>loEmail.Body = [Here's some content.]
>>>>loEmail.From = 'tamar@istesting.com'
>>>>loMailMan = CREATEOBJECT('MailMan')
>>>>loMailman.smtphost = 'smtp.freesmtpservers.com'
>>>>loMailman.smtpport = 25
>>>>_cliptext = loMailMan.lasterrortext
>>>>The error message I get is:
>>>>  SendEmail:
>>>>    DllDate: Oct 27 2023
>>>>    ChilkatVersion:
>>>>    UnlockStatus: 0
>>>>    Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit
>>>>    Language: ActiveX
>>>>    VerboseLogging: 0
>>>>    Auto unlock for 30-day trial
>>>>    UnlockStatusMsg: Unlocked for 30-day trial
>>>>    UnlockStatus: 1
>>>>    sendEmailInner:
>>>>      ReadTimeout: 30000
>>>>      renderToMime_pt1:
>>>>        createEmailForSending:
>>>>          Auto-generating Message-ID
>>>>        --createEmailForSending
>>>>      --renderToMime_pt1
>>>>      sendMimeInner:
>>>>        ensureSmtpSession:
>>>>          ensureSmtpConnection:
>>>>            smtpParams:
>>>>              SmtpHost: smtp.freesmtpservers.com
>>>>              SmtpPort: 25
>>>>              SmtpUsername: 
>>>>              SmtpSsl: 0
>>>>              StartTLS: 0
>>>>            --smtpParams
>>>>            smtpConnect:
>>>>              smtpHostname: smtp.freesmtpservers.com
>>>>              smtpPort: 25
>>>>              connectionIsReady:
>>>>                SMTP host changed.
>>>>                Need new SMTP connection...
>>>>              --connectionIsReady
>>>>              smtpSocketConnect:
>>>>                socket2Connect:
>>>>                  connect2:
>>>>                    connectSocket_v2:
>>>>                      connect_domain:
>>>>                        Connection attempt failed.
>>>>                        maxWaitTimeMs: 30000
>>>>                        totalMsWaitedSoFar: 17550
>>>>                        Failed.
>>>>                      --connect_domain
>>>>                    --connectSocket_v2
>>>>                    ConnectFailReason: Connection rejected
>>>>                    A few possible causes for a connection being rejected are:
>>>>                    - A firewall (software or hardware), such as Windows Firewall, is blocking the connection .
>>>>                    - Nothing is listening at the remote host:port
>>>>                  --connect2
>>>>                --socket2Connect
>>>>                Failed to connect to SMTP server..
>>>>              --smtpSocketConnect
>>>>            --smtpConnect
>>>>          --ensureSmtpConnection
>>>>        --ensureSmtpSession
>>>>      --sendMimeInner
>>>>    --sendEmailInner
>>>>    Failed.
>>>>  --SendEmail
>>>>Any suggestions about what I'm missing here?

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