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>>If it is a K6 and the motherboard has a Super Seven socket (and BIOS and chipset that supports the K6-2), the easiest upgrade would be to slap in a K6-2. Keep in mind that you will need PC100 RAM if you go with the K6-2 300 or up.
>>200 MHz...can't be a K6-2 as far as I know.
>The description is vague enough that it could be; it doesn't state that it's Super7, and if it isn't, well, let's just leave it as a huge mistake.

Well, sure, if AMD ever made a 200 MHz K6-2 processor. I don't think they did. Are you saying they did? Trivial argument, but I think I am right.

>>Also, regarding where/what to buy: I have a home-based business (part-time) and I can put together better systems for a better price and with better service (at least to home users; to business' I warn them that I am not available 9-5) than any of the big companies. And I generally have better warranties (2 or 3 years minimum on everything, some stuff longer). If you decide to go with a non-brand name, just make sure you are getting a good mainboard and good components. I prefer Asus mainboards.
>I don't have a home-based, part-time business. I build my own systems because I consider myself to be a hobbyist, and I'm probably more knowledgable about the aspects of current hardware than you migth suspect.

I don't suspect fact, I don't really care. I will just comment on what you say here.

>My preference runs to the SuperMicro boards; I use their P6DGS and P6DGU both at home and at the office for small workgroup servers. My clients deal with hundreds, or in at least one case, thousands of systems, and a small business selling the motherboard du jour isn't going to be able to repeatedly crank out the systems they need in the course of a year, much less provide the support. From a TCO standpoint, I've found that name-brand, business-targeted systems make more sense for a small business, because of the range of support options and vendors offered.

Are you suggesting that Asus motherboards are a "motherboard du jour?" They have long been considered the best motherboard out there by many experts. And among the best by all the other experts.

Sure, a small business could not support thousands of systems, so a company with thousands of computers possible should choose a different route. But small computer shops can easily support a few hundred machines. And the good shops provide better service than the name-brand vendors.

For a lot of companies, a small shop provides a lot more than a large manufacturer can provide. Can you call Dell and say "What ISP is a good one in town?"? Will Dell come over and set-up their network? A good computer shop has people with a wide scope of knowledge and can provide a complete solution.

>The advantages of volume make, in the long run, the small vendor a really bad idea for a business that doesn't have unusual hardware requirements. That's an opinion formed from being on several sides of the issue, including having done custom hardware integration and design, IT management for a small-sized, highly automated business, and consulting for some fairly large organizations.

Volume of what? Hardware? If that is what you meant, are you only talking about the point you already made (and that I agree with -> that a large 1000+ computer organization should go with brand-name)? But lets give an example that I am familiar with: A large corporation has set a company policy to buy only a few certain models of machines. They have in-house computer technicians, and felt that with standardization, the techs would be more efficient. Well, two machines with the same model number and specs can have two different motherboards, hard drives, CD-ROM drives, video cards, BIOSs, etc. etc. So they haven't standardized at all. In fact, IMHO (and many of the knowledgeable employees), they now have a bunch of over-priced and under-powered computers with only a one year warranty. The machines I sell (same as some other small computer shops), for instance, are backed by a 3 Yr P&L warranty (some parts longer) by a company that has been around since 1983 and is doing quite well financially (ie. they should be around in 3 years).

BTW, I've done custom hardware integration. I do IT management for a small-sized, highly automated business. I haven't done consulting for large organizations. But I have for a number of small companies.

>That's why I recommended the Celeron 300A and 333 as the baseline for entry-level systems. It's easy to find stable, inexpensive toasters with an 18 month to two year life span; IMO, the Super7 marketplace is a waste of time, especially with the introduction of Socket370 and some higher-end Celeron processors, even though they're limited to a 66MHz FSB. Buying below the curve; systems like the lower-end Compaqs, Aptivas and even HPO Pavillions is counterproductive. As mentioned, I can get an HP model that I like with plenty of processing power for under $800. Why jerk around trying to mix and match components when I can get a toaster off the sheld that does what I want, on a reproducible basis. It's the same logic as the T-34 tank in WWII.

I am not familiar with tanks.

I would bet that HP jerks around with mix and match components (see example above). Try to get Dell to guarantee a particular brand of hard drive. Or Compac. Or ... Only difference is that when you buy a brand-name machine, often it is 6-month old technology because that is how long it take them to get the product to market.

Look, I can give exact examples of better machines at better prices with better warranties.

I am not saying "A small shop is ALWAYS better." I am saying "A small shop is SOMETIMES better."

Does HP recommend a BX board and PC100 memory so the system can be upgraded to a PII 450 in a year for a hundred bucks or so? I do. Value Added.

Joseph C. Kempel
Systems Analyst/Programmer

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