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Updating an Access table using SQL Passthrough?
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Visual FoxPro
Base de données, Tables, Vues, Index et syntaxe SQL
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I really appreciate the feedback. I'll study this and let you know if there are any questions.

Again, thanks a million.


>Hi Edmond
>Here's my ADO base class and a method cNextAccount that reserves the following account number in an .MDB name AO, in a tabled Adressenbestand. The account field's name in Access is called Laklaco. It is the primary key.
>This works reasonably well, considering we are going through ODBC and ADO. I have not figured out a way to create the cursor locally, which is a problem when you use the Fields collection (performance is terrible).
>If you choose to follow my lead, and you have any questions, please do ask.
>***	ADO.PRG
>* 	MG  02/02/99
>* 	Visual FoxPro 06.00.8167.00 for Windows
>#include include\PLUCZ.h
>*** ----------------------------------
>define class ADO as custom
>	cDSN= ""
>	oConnection= .null.
>	* --------------------
>	procedure Init()
>	*-- mg 02/02/99
>	if !this.lConnect()
>		return .f.
>	endif
>	* --------------------
>	procedure lConnect()
>	*-- mg 02/02/99
>	private _Err
>	this.oConnection= createobject("ADODB.Connection")
>	_Err=0
>	if _Err=1
>		return .f.
>	endif
>	* --------------------
>	procedure lSQL(oRS,cSQL)
>	*-- mg 02/02/99
>	private _Err
>	_Err= 0
>	oRS= createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
>	*--	MG(eds) 09/02/99 - 10:18
>	*-- 3 is the cursor type (adOpenStatic)
>	*-- 4 is the lock type.  Not sure which one that is, 3 is optimistic.
>*	oRS.Cursorlocation= 3
>	if _Err= 1
>		return .f.
>	endif
>	* --------------------
>	procedure Assign(oRS,cField)
>	*-- mg 02/02/99
>	u= oRS.Fields(cField).Value
>	return iif(isnull(u),"",u)
>	* --------------------
>	procedure cNextAccount(oCountry,oCee)
>	LOCAL c, o, cLA, cMax, oRS, oC
>	*-- mg 08/02/99
>	oRS= .null.
>	cLa= ocountry.Cou_AoCode
>	cMax= oCountry.Cou_AOCode+oCountry.Cou_AOMax
>	oC= createobject("bzConsignee")
>	cCeeName= oC.cName(oCee)
>	cSQL= "select max(laklaco) as lastnumber"+;
>		" from adressenbestand where laklaco like '"+cLa+"%'"+;
>		" and laklaco<'"+cMax+"'"
>	wait window "coucou " + program()+" "+cSql
>	if !this.lSQL(@oRS,cSQL)
>		oError.Add_("Selection against AO failed.")
>		this.nError= 1
>		return ""
>	endif
>	if oRS.RecordCount<1
>		c= cLa+"001"
>	else	
>		oRS.MoveFirst
>		c= this.assign(ORS,"LastNumber")
>		c=cLa+right("000"+alltr(str(val(c)+1)),3)
>	endif
>	cSQL= "insert into adressenbestand "+;
>		"(LaKlaCo,La,Kla,Name,Country,Phone,Fax,Contact) "+;
>		" values ('"+;
>			c+"','"+;
>			left(c,2)+"','"+;
>			right(c,3)+"','"+;
>			cCeeName+"','"+;
>			oCee.cee_Country+"','"+;
>			oCee.cee_tel+"','"+;
>			oCee.cee_Fax+"','"+;
>			oCee.cee_Contact+"')"
>	if !this.lSQL(@oRS,cSQL)
>		oError.Add_("Operation against AO failed.")
>		if oVFP.lIsObject(this.oConnection.Errors)
>			for each o in this.oConnection.Errors
>				oError.Add_(o.Description)
>			endfor
>		endif
>		this.nError= 1
>		return ""
>	endif
>	return c	
>>I’m using VFP 6.0 and I have a function that Imports Access data into a dbf free table. What I want to do now is update the Access table with any changes that were made to the dbf table by my app. I have a separate table that has stored all of the original Access field names and the field names used by FoxPro in case they had to be modified.
>>My connection is established with Access via gnConnHand=SQLSTRINGCONNECT(lcConnString) using lcDSN = "MS Access 7.0 Database" and not a specific Named Data Source.
>>The Knowledge Base article Q138094 "How to Create Updatable Views by Using SQL Passthrough" gives an example of what I think is suppossed to work for me but nothing works. The example and documentation are very vague. No matter what I do I get a message saying "No update table specified. Use the tables property of the cursor" and no matter how I enter the table name with =CURSORSETPROP("Tables", ctablename) I still get the same message. Trying other tactics hasn’t worked either. Most of the time things go with out crashes but the table is never updated.
>>Does anybody have any experience with this type of SQL (ie SQLSetProp(), CURSORSETPROP(), etc.) or whatever it takes to update a "foreign" table such as Access?
>>Any help would be appreciated.

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