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Do we really need a VFP Developer's Association???
01/04/1999 09:25:56
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Visual FoxPro
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with having an organization that promotes the use/benefits of a specific tool. However, the goals of such an organization need to be predicated on a basis of reality. Specifically, the goals of the VFPDA, to counter MS's lack of marketing of VFP as a strategic tool, is not based on reality. There is not enough amunition in the world to counter that. The only one that can is MS itself.....

That said, VFP has a great community. It is strong, vibrant, alive and well.

>John, I honestly don't disagree with much you have said. I think you have pointed out many obstacles that would need to be overcome in order for any level of success with a VFPDA. The problem I have is YOU are a respected voice in the VFP community and I think you should try to be constructive in your public opinions. A negative comment from you, based on your opinions which are not always accurate, can lead others here to form the same opinion or take similar action. I think if you, I or anyone else doesn't agree the idea of a VFPDA state it and move on. Let individuals with drive and enthusiasm continue the movement. We don't have to participate nor should we knock it. Sometimes few with good ideas and strong sense of dedication make changes.

Well, are you saying that because I have this position in the community, I am not allowed to voice my opinion??? For what its worth, my opinion is just one voice, as is your's, or anybody elses.

I was asked to join the VFPDA and evaluate the mission statement. I have done so, in an open forum. I have asked many questions, few of which have been answered. The big piece is the solicitation of $'s for the group. Way out of line if you ask me. This really pushed me over the edge in me bringing up my questions in public.

The idea is noble, and I understand where it is coming from. IMO, it is neither needed, or all that well thought through. Yet, the inentions are good and noble. Much of it is emotional, and that too I understand and respect. However, if somebody comes up here, hawks for money, on a flimsy idea at best, that person/group should be ready to answer the difficult questions.

Well, I have asked the tough questions, and have yet to get solid responses. As a sysop on this forum, I take it as my responsibility. As a leader in the community, I feel even more compelled to voice my opinion on the matter. If anything, I think I have given these folks a lot of food for thought. For good things to happen, you need not only people who agree, but those that are willing to question things, and disagree.

Finally, I think I have been constructive. It just so happens that I have not been that positive on the idea, given the lack of details. It's called constructive critisim. Believe me, I get a fair amount of it. Some accurate, some not. I am brutally in your face honest with things. And, I expect folks to treat me the same way. Most folks have. Jim Nelson is one such person. I respect him because he does not hide under a rock. Rather, he gives his honest opinion. While we don't usually agree, I respect him nonetheless.

It's easy to tell people what the WANT to hear. However, it is more important to tell them what they NEED to hear. If anything, I am trying to save folks from a lot of wasted effort. If they go down that path any, well, I tried....

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