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Clearing Combo Box Choices
29/04/1999 22:32:47
29/04/1999 03:10:47
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Visual FoxPro
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Hi Cetin! Thanks for the note.

Let's see.. I don't know where to begin. I guess I'll start by saying I'm still lost, which would be the completely honest thing to say. Either you "get it", when it comes to writing code, or you don't. There is very little middle ground. This is probably just a little molehill, and I'm making it seem like an expedition to the top of Mt. Everest. After I finally "get" something in FoxPro, I write any new proceedure I learn in a notebook, and it always seems so easy after you understand.

I haven't created a SELECT statement from scratch before, so these questions may appear silly.

1. Do I place the code you sent into the CLICK event of my cmd button on my form (which calls the specific office?). Is it that simple?

2. The part of your code I didn't understand was the top part, which talked about the joins. I am a little unclear on your notations. The botton part of your code, starting with the WHERE statement was fine.

select of.id ;
from offices of ;
join districts ds ;
on ds.ofid = of.id ;
join localities lo ;
on lo.dsid = ds.id ;
join counties co ;
on co.loid = lo.id ;
join states st ;
on st.coid = co.id ;
join countries cou ;
on cou.stid = st.id ;

**Can you walk me through this part of the code with explanations, b/c this is the one part of the code I am a little confused? I think that would be most helpful.

If I had a better handle on this, I could create the code visually using the view designer and then copy the code.

Am I correct in saying that the only table I would throw into my DE of my view designer is my OFFICES table? Then.... just select the fields I want to join.... and finish the code with the WHERE statement, if, else, endif...

One last note: My OFFICES form only has the last 3 combo boxes represented on it. I saw in your reply that you thought I should have all six in my SELECT, but I only need my last three. I have a JURISDICTION AND 3 ASSIGNMENT tables that keep track of what state, county, & country an office belongs to... therefore, in order to call the OFFICE FORM, I only have to "match" the last three combo boxes (locality, district, office title). I have my database set up so you can only ASSIGN a specific office to a locality (city), nothing above that..

Thanks for any additional input. I hope this message isn't to confusing


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