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A new picture and a pizza
26/02/1997 10:52:30
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>>>>>>>>>>They seem to be treating both Jasper and me with kid gloves, Tina, so jump in. I expected the usual rude comments, and have a couple of pictures of my blond daughter-in-law and my titian-haired daughter to send as replacements if there's too much flak.
>>>>>>>>>>>Hi! (eg)
>>>>>>>>>>>Jasper -- The first lady of UT -- Way to go! (S)
>>>>>>>>>>>Barbara -- what a fine brave woman (to put up with Scot!).
>>>>>>>>>>After 15 years of foster parenting and another 13 of programming (That white hair was EARNED, folks!) "putting up" with Scot & the rest of you isn't a big deal. :-))
>>>>>>>>>Oh, I thought you asked your hair-dresser to give you a ... ehhr ... more mature look. :-)
>>>>>>>>>BTW, has Lucien sent you the membership form already? :-)
>>>>>>>>a gentleman does NOT presume upon a lady's age by sending such forms unbid!!
>>>>>>>Thank you Lucien, but I'm not sure what presumptions are floating around.
>>>>>>>Alexandre: If you're talking about a Premier UT Membership, I'm already there - it just took longer for the check to arrive than my picture, since I couldn't e-mail it.
>>>>>>he is referring to application (form is a misnomer) for being included in the Dinosaurs Special Interest Group on the UT... this too is rather tongue in cheek. you have only to "PROVE" that you know something about computers before MSDOS... not really very difficult for those of us who are over 29.... ;~)
>>>>>Shoot, I was punching cards in the days when you passed the cards through an airlock to the computer-gods who actually touched the machine...
>>>>I am glad you recognize my position. (s)
>>>What? Punching-Card position? :-)
>>I remember punch-cards. When I learnt programming [COBOL :-{] we used punch cards and at the end of the 8 month course they took us on a field trip to see the computer. We were marched into this corridor with a huge glass wall and the room on the other side was FULL of computer.It was an ICL mainframe running an OS called George 3. I think I have considerably more computing power in the Tosh Pentium notebook I carry around with me than was contained in that 30x20ft (at least) room back in 197? <g>
>>Does that make me a dinosaur? If it does can I choose what kind I am? I'd like to be a Pteranodon please (I've always wanted to be able to fly <g>.
>>I'll submit a photo as soon as I can find an online one.
>Surely there are some good pteranodon pictures already on-line ;-)

Yes, Michel has a nice collection... :-)
Alexandre Nobre
Alpha Bytes Computer Corp.

Did you know that there are innocent people dying in East Timor?
It helps if you do...

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