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DBF() not found
26/05/1999 12:50:17
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
26/05/1999 11:45:54
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Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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Butt out ? These discussions keep UT lovely IMHO.
No they're always on disk how small they're. The smallest could be ie: just one record with one logical field. Still it's created on disk. They're volatile for they're tmp files not for they'in memory. OTOH handle might be allocated but data not flushed. Large tables OTOH like swap files should preserve space in memory and thus might be flushing (maybe a MS fox team member is laughing at all these:). For small ones just go and change a value (ie: for the smallest sample replace myLogical with .t.) then it responds to file() and visible.

>Okay, one more try and then I'll butt out.
>They file I was seeing appears to be related to my creating a cursor that had a memo field. When I do the same select excluding the memo field, I don't see that file. I had been testing what you have been describing with a small (63 record) table. When I tried the same thing with a large table table (64000+), I can then do Select * from dbf() and it works fine. Could this be that the small cursors are just in memory?
>>No, you just don't see the one you're expecting to see. If you read the complete thread you'll see that's one of the issues here. Sometimes you don't see the blablabla.tmp file in the windows explorer. The other tmp file you see is just an other one. Close foxpro en delete it and try again. You'll see 3 tmp files before you do anything in Fox (these are created by fox itself). After you create the cursor there will be 1 extra (if your lucky) or no extra tmp files to see. We don't know why that is yet.
>>>When I create a cursor and check dbf() I get something like 60548208.tmp. If I go to windows explorer and look at my \temp directory I the file that was created is named 60548209.tmp. If I try to use or Select From 60548209.tmp I get "File is in use", because the cursor is used exclusive. So FoxPro translates the file name??
Çetin Basöz

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