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Combo will not display value after closed
27/05/1999 12:31:10
26/05/1999 18:36:55
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Visual FoxPro
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>Hi James:
>I implemented the code you suggested at the end of my interactivechange() of the two combo boxes (combobox::refresh()) that had code in them. Unfortunately, that didn't do the trick. I read what your note said about a particular line of valid code could cause the combo to "time out" and not display data. So, as a test, I set both interactivechange() that were holding code to default and ran the form without the code.
>When I did this, I selected my values in each of my three combos again and closed the form. When I re-opened the form to view it, my 2nd and 3rd combos were blank again (By blank I mean, not showing the "viewable" data. the combox are still holding all the data in them if you were to click on the drop down arrow.)
>If the problem isn't with the code in my interactive change (), do you have any other ideas as to why after I select a value in my combos (that have pviews for a rowsource), then close my form and reopen, the combos aren't displaying the value I chose.
>It is worth noting that the common denominator here is the two combos that aren't displaying my choices when I reopen my form, are being fueled by pviews I created. the first combo out of the three is working fine.
>One more note. The controlsource table (OFFICES) is showing the values I selected in my combos just fine, even though I can't see what I selected when I revisit my form.
>The combos I am talking about are as follows:
>A. cmbsourcestate && works like a champ. This just holds two values I handtyped
>B. cmbfield && rowsource is a pview
>C. cmboption && rowsource is a pview
>Combos B & C are causing me the upset stomach!
>If you have anymore ideas for a remedy, I would sure love to hear them.
>I believe I can continue with my development. I just hate leaving such a loose end. I have a big SQL statement I need to write for this form that has to look at these combo boxes to pull voters for a specific office. Due to the fact the table is holding the selected data I entered in my combos, I think I am ok. But, it sure would be nice to "see" what I selected in my combos when I revisit my form.
>Thanks for your help. If you don't have anymore ideas, that is alright. I appreciate the time you spent with this already. Just thouht I would ask!


Sorry it did not work. It does not always work. Since refresh() apparently did not refresh your combobox -- let's try the heavy artillery a the end of the interactivechange(),
*-- myCombo.InteractiveChange()
WITH this
     *-- your interactive change instructions
     .displayvalue = .value && this will trigger programmaticchange()
This should force a display no matter what. If it does not, then some real tests are required...

1. Set a debugger breakpoint at the first line of the interactivechange() method of each affected combobox.

2. Trace each line tracking .displayvalue and .value in the debugger watch window.

One of two things will happen, either .displayvalue will at some point equal the value that should be displayed, in which case the problem is the display characteristics (.forecolor, backcolor, fontsize, etc) or .display value never equals the desired value. If this is the case, further checking is required -- so please get back to me.

Jim Edgar
Jurix Data Corporation

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