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I seriouly NEED help with this, PLEASE LOOK AT THIS...
11/06/1999 14:33:03
11/06/1999 14:17:51
Chuck Tripi
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
General information
Visual FoxPro
Coding, syntax & commands
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I don't know enough about your problem to write the routine for you (plus, I really should be doing my own work!) but here is how I would go about things.

First of all, if you aren't familiar with the commands, lookup up the following in all the reference matter you have on hand:

Select - SQL
set relation

Here is how I would go about your task:

Use select to find the records that need modification, and the type of modification that has to be done. Select cnt(*) as mycnt, po from workpo group by po into cursor po_cnts is the basis for a lot of the selection, I think. You might also want to join the workpo and histpo tables and figure out some stuff that way.

Once the records are identified, then I would set a relation to my cursor from the workpo table and move/edit records from that.

Good luck!

>>select workpo
>>IF workpo.FIELD1 = histpo.field1 then
>> * ok, its a match
>> * mark the sucker
>Can you help me somemore please. I think I need a new way of understand programming. I have done many FPW 2.6 PRG coding! I am doing this with VFP 6.0 (basicly first project for assignment).
>So, what you suggest? All I have to do is import data from XLS file, compair existing history and then export new to text file and report (well, thats the bottom, easy-to-say points).
>I need to mark something (1,2,3,4) for reports (I think it is the easiest). All I need is to learn how to compair side-by-side with dupe records. First, I get the PO (a field) from WORKPO and see if there is an existing PO in the HISTPO, I need to check if it is the same (if same, mark it "2" for "no action") or updated (if different, mark it "3" for "changed"). If there is none existing PO in the HISTPO, it is a new PO (mark it "1" for "new transaction"). The other thing is sometime there can be 4 existing PO (4 records) in HISTPO and new 6 PO (matched with the 4 PO) in the WORKPO (that would be marked as "3"), I need to REMOVE those 4 records out of HISTPO and add the new 6 PO into the HISTPO. Boy, I have to get this done by next week and I am confused already! Another way is I could copy out records and do temp matching and go back to the WORKPO and mark them??????
--Todd Sherman
-Wake Up! Smell the Coffee!

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