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Here you go, Fred. It includes a couple of short samples
#define LOCALE_ILANGUAGE            0x00000001 && language id
#define LOCALE_SLANGUAGE            0x00000002 && localized name of language
#define LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE         0x00001001 && English name of language
#define LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME      0x00000003 && abbreviated language name
#define LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME      0x00000004 && native name of language
#define LOCALE_ICOUNTRY             0x00000005 && country code
#define LOCALE_SCOUNTRY             0x00000006 && localized name of country
#define LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY          0x00001002 && English name of country
#define LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME      0x00000007 && abbreviated country name
#define LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME      0x00000008 && native name of country
#define LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE     0x00000009 && default language id
#define LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY      0x0000000A && default country code
#define LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE     0x0000000B && default oem code page
#define LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE 0x00001004 && default ansi code page
#define LOCALE_IDEFAULTMACCODEPAGE  0x00001011 && default mac code page
#define LOCALE_SLIST                0x0000000C && list item separator
#define LOCALE_IMEASURE             0x0000000D && 0 = metric, 1 = US
#define LOCALE_SDECIMAL             0x0000000E && decimal separator
#define LOCALE_STHOUSAND            0x0000000F && thousand separator
#define LOCALE_SGROUPING            0x00000010 && digit grouping
#define LOCALE_IDIGITS              0x00000011 && number of fractional digits
#define LOCALE_ILZERO               0x00000012 && leading zeros for decimal
#define LOCALE_INEGNUMBER           0x00001010 && negative number mode
#define LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS        0x00000013 && native ascii 0-9
#define LOCALE_SCURRENCY            0x00000014 && local monetary symbol
#define LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL          0x00000015 && intl monetary symbol
#define LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP       0x00000016 && monetary decimal separator
#define LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP      0x00000017 && monetary thousand separator
#define LOCALE_SMONGROUPING         0x00000018 && monetary grouping
#define LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS          0x00000019 && # local monetary digits
#define LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS      0x0000001A && # intl monetary digits
#define LOCALE_ICURRENCY            0x0000001B && positive currency mode
#define LOCALE_INEGCURR             0x0000001C && negative currency mode
#define LOCALE_SDATE                0x0000001D && date separator
#define LOCALE_STIME                0x0000001E && time separator
#define LOCALE_SSHORTDATE           0x0000001F && short date format string
#define LOCALE_SLONGDATE            0x00000020 && long date format string
#define LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT          0x00001003 && time format string
#define LOCALE_IDATE                0x00000021 && short date format ordering
#define LOCALE_ILDATE               0x00000022 && long date format ordering
#define LOCALE_ITIME                0x00000023 && time format specifier
#define LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN        0x00001005 && time marker position
#define LOCALE_ICENTURY             0x00000024 && century format specifier (short date)
#define LOCALE_ITLZERO              0x00000025 && leading zeros in time field
#define LOCALE_IDAYLZERO            0x00000026 && leading zeros in day field (short date)
#define LOCALE_IMONLZERO            0x00000027 && leading zeros in month field (short date)
#define LOCALE_S1159                0x00000028 && AM designator
#define LOCALE_S2359                0x00000029 && PM designator
#define LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE        0x00001009 && type of calendar specifier
#define LOCALE_IOPTIONALCALENDAR    0x0000100B && additional calendar types specifier
#define LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK      0x0000100C && first day of week specifier
#define LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR     0x0000100D && first week of year specifier
#define LOCALE_SDAYNAME1            0x0000002A && long name for Monday
#define LOCALE_SDAYNAME2            0x0000002B && long name for Tuesday
#define LOCALE_SDAYNAME3            0x0000002C && long name for Wednesday
#define LOCALE_SDAYNAME4            0x0000002D && long name for Thursday
#define LOCALE_SDAYNAME5            0x0000002E && long name for Friday
#define LOCALE_SDAYNAME6            0x0000002F && long name for Saturday
#define LOCALE_SDAYNAME7            0x00000030 && long name for Sunday
#define LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1      0x00000031 && abbreviated name for Monday
#define LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME2      0x00000032 && abbreviated name for Tuesday
#define LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME3      0x00000033 && abbreviated name for Wednesday
#define LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME4      0x00000034 && abbreviated name for Thursday
#define LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME5      0x00000035 && abbreviated name for Friday
#define LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME6      0x00000036 && abbreviated name for Saturday
#define LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME7      0x00000037 && abbreviated name for Sunday
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1          0x00000038 && long name for January
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME2          0x00000039 && long name for February
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME3          0x0000003A && long name for March
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME4          0x0000003B && long name for April
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME5          0x0000003C && long name for May
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME6          0x0000003D && long name for June
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME7          0x0000003E && long name for July
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME8          0x0000003F && long name for August
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME9          0x00000040 && long name for September
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME10         0x00000041 && long name for October
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME11         0x00000042 && long name for November
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME12         0x00000043 && long name for December
#define LOCALE_SMONTHNAME13         0x0000100E && long name for 13th month (if exists)
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1    0x00000044 && abbreviated name for January
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME2    0x00000045 && abbreviated name for February
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME3    0x00000046 && abbreviated name for March
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME4    0x00000047 && abbreviated name for April
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME5    0x00000048 && abbreviated name for May
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME6    0x00000049 && abbreviated name for June
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME7    0x0000004A && abbreviated name for July
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME8    0x0000004B && abbreviated name for August
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME9    0x0000004C && abbreviated name for September
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME10   0x0000004D && abbreviated name for October
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME11   0x0000004E && abbreviated name for November
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME12   0x0000004F && abbreviated name for December
#define LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME13   0x0000100F && abbreviated name for 13th month (if exists)
#define LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN        0x00000050 && positive sign
#define LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN        0x00000051 && negative sign
#define LOCALE_IPOSSIGNPOSN         0x00000052 && positive sign position
#define LOCALE_INEGSIGNPOSN         0x00000053 && negative sign position
#define LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES      0x00000054 && mon sym precedes pos amt
#define LOCALE_IPOSSEPBYSPACE       0x00000055 && mon sym sep by space from pos amt
#define LOCALE_INEGSYMPRECEDES      0x00000056 && mon sym precedes neg amt
#define LOCALE_INEGSEPBYSPACE       0x00000057 && mon sym sep by space from neg amt
#define LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE        0x00000058 && font signature
#define LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME      0x00000059 && ISO abbreviated language name
#define LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME     0x0000005A && ISO abbreviated country 
DECLARE INTEGER GetSystemDefaultLCID IN Win32api
  STRING @lpLCData, INTEGER cchData

lnSysLCID = GetSystemDefaultLCID()
* Get the native country name
lcbuffer = SPACE(260)
lnresult = GetLocaleInfo(lnSysLCID, LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME, @lcbuffer, LEN(lcbuffer))
? LEFT(lcbuffer, lnresult)
* Get the abbreviated country name
lcbuffer = SPACE(260)
lnresult = GetLocaleInfo(lnSysLCID, LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME, @lcbuffer, LEN(lcbuffer))
? LEFT(lcbuffer, lnresult)
Let me know if I can be of more help.

Ubi caritas et amor, deus ibi est

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