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Who's the OOP in this GROUP?
21/09/1999 17:16:43
21/09/1999 15:50:10
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Visual FoxPro
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Well said.

>I have been reading about "patterns" and the "UML" for some time now and have slowly been exposed to that OOP way of doing things. So, I decided to take the plunge and do my next project "The right way". We are using the Mere Mortals framework to get a good start and Kevin has been "pushing" (he's pushy) using UML. So I bough a book and read through all the cool stuff and was pretty impressed.
>Now I was ready to jump in and do some modeling. Hmmm, I heard about Microsoft Visual Modeler, so I fired it up. I starting looking through the help file. OK, OK, I've been using Fox since Foxbase and since the "merger", I've kinda gotten use to translating Visual Basic examples. Then I clicked on the Tools menu ......hmmmm, Source Safe, Visual C++, Visual Basic. But this reverse engineering thing looks really cool. I wanted one for the FOX. I jumped on UT and found that these were available for Foxpro. So I downloaded them and went through the setup to start using them. (Why I had to go through this I'll never know)
>Now it didn't take long to realize that VM is not the most stable program in the barn (my Tennessee is showing through again), so I decided to look at Rational Rose. Heard it was pretty cool and that VM was just a subset that MS used from Rational Rose. Kinda like me and my son, he does all the work and I take all the credit. Anyway, I went to their website and they had a CD for UML beginners that looked interesting. I went to order it and they wanted to know which OOP development tool we were using. My choices you ask? Visual C++, Visual Basic, IBM this and IBM that, Smalltalk and some others. NO FOX. Is it my imagination, or did someone tell me that VFP is Object Oriented --- VB is Object Based. Can you say inheritance? So, who is the OOP in this group? Don't get me wrong, I really like VB too, but come on. We been told for years that inheritance is a vital part of OOP, now it doesn't matter when you start modeling an OOP application! I know, I know , your saying, "But that's a
>different company. MS has no control over their website". Are you tellin' me that if MS called up Rational Rose and asked them to put VFP as a option that they would refuse. (If you do, come to TN sometime and I'll show how to snipe hunt). I just get tired of selecting the OTHER option and typing in VFP on everything I fill out.
>Sorry for venting, but if MS wants us to believe that they really care about FOX and that it has a chance in their long-term plans, then they should at least stop making us jump through so many hoops to use it with other tools in the SAME suite. Come on MS, don't be afraid to put us on a menu or two! Not everyone runs kicking and screaming at the sight of the Fox head.
>Then again, maybe it's just me and it's Tuesday.
- Jeff

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