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Word97 minimizes after next line if code after activatio
29/09/1999 13:28:40
29/09/1999 12:47:56
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Visual FoxPro
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Dear Cetin,

That did it. Thanx again. Are you ever in New York? Next time you are, my son and I would like to take you out for the best meal in town. Don't hesitate to contact us at dadigidoc@aol.com or dittozip@aol.com or drgorin@mindspring.com. We would love to spend an evening picking the brain of an experienced programmer like yourself.

Thanx again

Dr. G (Neil)

>Oh Neil,

>I will look into it later but as a quick reply I have :
>Just before "endwith". It makes the word window active one (not only visible but active too) so foregroundwindow handle belongs to word. Maybe just adding it would cure your problem.
>>Hi Cetin,
>>You are always there when I need you. Thanx again. You are very close. I was able to place vfp code after your stuff which did not cause Word to minimize. That is a good thing. However, when I exited Word, vfp would not repsond to mouse clicks. In fact, the mouse pointer assumed the hourglass configuration and I had to ctrl-alt-del to ger out of vfp. Please review your code and advise me.
>>P.S. Also try this. Populate the form's de with a table. Upon returning from Word please make certian you can still acess the table in vfp code ie: try to replace cname with "Neil".
>>>>Hi Out there,
>>>>I use Word97 as an automation server by coding the following in the click event of a command button.
>>>>oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
>>>>with oWord
>>>> .Windowstate=0 &&
>>>> .visible = .t.
>>>> .document(add)
>>>>Word opens, a new dociment is dosplayed and Word remains open and in WINDOWSTATE=0 until I hit the close button. That is the functionality I want. However, if I place the simplest command after the endwith line, ie: messagebox('HI'), Word minimizes and that line of code executes. I don't want that line of code to execute until I close Word.
>>>>How do you do it?
>>>>Thanx Neil
Hi Neil,
If type("gHwndWord") = "U"
>>>  Public gHwndWord
>>>Declare integer GetForegroundWindow in WIN32API
>>>Declare short IsWindow in WIN32API integer
>>>* Create word object
>>>If type("oWordDocument") = "O" ;
>>>    and type("gHwndWord") = "N" ;
>>>    and IsWindow(gHwndWord) # 0 && Check if word window is alive
>>>  oWordDocument=getobject(, "Word.application")	&& get instance
>>>  oWordDocument=createobject("word.application") && Create word object
>>>* Create word object
>>>With oWordDocument
>>>gHwndWord = GetForegroundWindow() && Save word window handle
>>>Do while IsWindow(gHwndWord) # 0  && Wait while Word is alive
>>>Clear dlls

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