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File is in use
17/11/1999 07:31:17
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Visual FoxPro
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>I'm testing a process for someone which takes days to run on a 466 celeron with 128 ram. Plenty of diskspace, VFP 6.0/Win98. This process at some point in time will error out with a "File is in use" on a SQL-SELECT statement. The error is not consistent in where it occurs. That error msg supposedly indicates that this process is trying to execute a USE, RENAME or DELETE on a file already opened. I guess a SELECT statement issues an implicit USE, but I see NO reason why this error message should come up. Examination in the datasession window show only a few tables/cursors open. If the process is restarted, which can be started with the record that originally caused the error, it goes through the process just fine but of course, everything has been cleared from the crash. This implies that VFP is having some sort of trouble in memory (or elsewhere) in tracking the many, many cursors, tables that are created/opened and then closed. Doing a CLOSE TABLE ALL is out as the process
>SCANS thru a table and processes each record individually through a vast series of other operations. Any ideas on what is happening here? It seems that VFP has run out of some resource for tracking the opening and closing of cursors/tables and then generating the error at some point.

There are many reasons that you can get "file is in use". If I get it with an SQL statement I would suspect if cursor I'm trying to select into is already used as an alias somewhere.
My point is really something else. Your computer seems to be a faster one than mine (AMD K6-2 333, 128 Mb). I was never patient enough to wait something to finish in a couple of hours. OTOH I never worked with many tables each with several millions of records so might be processes that take so long. Anyway seeing that "plenty of space" and assuming your harddisk shouldn't be bigger than 20Gb (is it ?:) I find "days" very long for Fox. I suggest you to revise code first. I will demonstrate what I mean with a very simple code :
* Create a test cursor
create cursor myTestCursor (dummy c(10))
for ix = 1 to 10
 insert into myTestCursor values ( "Dummy"+ltrim(str(ix)) )

* Test by indiviual selects
lnStart = seconds()
for ix = 1 to 1000
  select * from myTestCursor into cursor ("My"+padl(ix,4,"0"))
? seconds() - start

* Test by indiviual selects but closing the ones that are not needed anymore
lnStart = seconds()
for ix = 1 to 1000
  select * from myTestCursor into cursor ("My"+padl(ix,4,"0"))
  use in ("My"+padl(ix,4,"0"))
? seconds() - start
Of course this only demonstrates how could temp dir file count could impact performance. A simple "use mytable in 0 again .." is not much different on performance and get the system on its knees. Revising the code just for performance might cease all of your problems (I hope).
Çetin Basöz

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