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My 2-cents perf. and sticking the PUTM with the bill....
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So you are also saying if I don't give to public television and public radio, I have no business watching PBS or listening to Public Radio? If so, I think you need to keep your beliefs to yourself. They are showing how much of a jackass you are.

>Unfortunately, there seems to be a large part of the UT user base who feel that the UT is an entitlement, and they're pleased as punch with themselves that they get a free ride on the backs of others. I think we need to rethink this scenario.
>In theory, I get my PUTM privileges through my MVP status. I went ahead and renewed my membership earlier this week.
>I look at UT in much the same way I look at public radio and public television. I leave my car radio tuned to WSHU, a public radio station broadcasting out of Bridgeport CT's Sacred Heart University. I listen to NPR news, Prarie Home Companion, Car Talk and a number of other shows there on a regular basis. The station is commercial-free, and they play lots of good classical music.
>WSHU's broadcast is availble for free, supported by member contributions - the members have reached a decision that having WSHU up and operational is a good thing. I agree with them; they ask for a minimum annual donation of $35/year for basic members. This doesn't get you anything beyond WSHU staying on the air.
>I thought about it, and it's worth at least $1/day to me to have WSHU on the air, so I donated $400 last year, and will do so again next February when begging season starts again.
>Let's look at UT. How many non-PUTM members have gotten accurate, timely, well thought-out support here? Do you think that a sizable fraction saved, or even made, at least as much money off their receiving assistance here? I'll bet that the (warning - the following is rather blunt) cheap SOBs who don't become PUTM and come back here time and again for more help, almost always flagged "HELP!!!! URGENT!!!!" aren't making or saving money coming to the UT for assitance?
>This is not to say that UT is the only place you can get help with VFP. There are plenty of other sites - I really like fox.wikis.com, but it isn''t the same paradigm. CSi, FoxForum, the MS public newsgroups and a number of other places are available.
>Joining UT as a PUTM gives benefits that come back quickly if you buy products from UT Partners - I've not lost money since I've bought SDT, Y2KFOX and Hentzenwerkes' books in the past. UT and easy access to the people here are worth what I've paid and more.
>For professionals in the US, at least, PUTM is tax-deductible as a business expense. And it's at least as valuable as a magazine subscription.
>There is a need for free access to UT. I'd love to see the capabilities for free access scaled back considerably, perhaps daily time limits, or some other restriction. Doing this, we could then have an intermediate UT membership, at maybe $35-50/year, giving people what is now here for free. This helps distribute the burden of paying the costs of operating the UT (I'm not in a position to know the real expenses, but I assume Michel is honest and honorable, and when he says he needs to raise the PUTM rate, there's a good reason for it.)
>There will be people who scream, rant cry and whine "Poor little me! I can no longer get what I want out of UT for nothing!" If you're in that category, please vote with your feet - there are other places to try to get help. My experience is that UT is the best choice for interactive VFP tech support now, but that's an opinion.
>I'd encourage people to use the same approach towards UT that public broadcasting in the US uses to raise funds. If you can afford to be a full PUTM, do it - there are tangible benefits. If not, give what you can. Is getting that nasty problem with your grid fixed quickly worth anything to you?
>Hopefully, Michel can figure out a stratified membership plan to simply this.
>Bottom line - from Michel's POV, UT needs to raise more money to improve services, whether for hardware, software, connection, or whatever. If you can afford to contribute towards that, great, become a PUTM, or give whatever you think is reasonable, or whatever Michel might establish as an intermediate membership fee. If you don't - shame on you, and please don't bitch about performance or UT's software - you haven't earned the right.
Tim Westmoreland
Software Engineer
Skyline Technologies, Inc.

"Upper classes are a nation's past; the middle class is its future." - Ayn Rand, Russian-born author (1905-1982).

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