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Differences between xBase and SQL implementations
21/12/1999 14:23:17
Victor Chigne
General information
Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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>>>Well, AFAIK replicating data locally for speed is an accepted way to optimize CS systems.....
>>Sometimes we force VFP on our clients. John is bringing to fact that they want to use SQL.
>>I disagree with replicating data between VFP & SQL. That's not optimizing, it's only a crutch. I have found that the people who are SQL only are serious about their decission. They have invested alot of capital in equipment, software and licenses. I would try to do what the client wants his way, and allow VFP to manipulate the data my way.
>>Moreoften the biggest issue for VFP is security, in that there is none. SQL you have some very substancial security. Don't tell me about Encrypting data because that's not security, it's duct tape.
>You mean that the only acceptable way to replicate locally is having a LAN SQL Server where the tables we are interested in should be replicated?

I'm not saying that you need a local SQL Server at all.

What is it that you are replicating? SO data, Look Ups? Customer excuses?

IMO I would not allow the replication out of a secure back end data that is dynamic, but I would allow static info. Plainly put Look ups I consider static, rarely chaning. Sales Orders, Invoice Details are very much dynamic and they only belong on the system's server.

Granted you could configure a Large Wan system that maintained data between Europe, North America, South America and ???. Running that through a single WAN might get sluggish, but then airlines do this all the time and their systems are not that slow.

What are they doing differently? Optimizing for true C/S and not some hybrid that us VFP guys can gell together. Just pull what you need and only what you need. I left a large law system on SQL Server that ran 8 offices on 1 server. They were only 1500 miles apart but it was perky.

In that same company we also did a local SQL Server for Document Managment. It was overkill but that is what partnership wanted.

So I guess that we should try to see things in a different way every once in a while. If we do that we may be able to break our mold on how we accomplish our repetitive tasks.


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