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Are you getting fed up?????
04/01/2000 19:58:07
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>You sould stick to what you know (VFP, VB and other computer related things).

I think you are about to be surprised....

>In which corners would calling Quebec a part of Canada get you shot?

Getting shot is a metaphor. I think Garrett's response to you makes the point.

>What exactly do you know about the separatist movement? the language police?
>Can you expand on etc?

Why sure... I would be happy too. I am glad you asked me to play this game...

As I understand things, the whole English vs. Quebecois is not new. For 100's of hears the Quebecois have noted distinct boundaries, and further, have cited religous, language, and legal differences that in reality, make it, Quebec that is, a separate nation.

From what I have read, much of the propaganda deals with a worker class struggle against the evil imperialists. In this case, it is the Quebecois against the English speaking Canadians. On one hand, you have a small section of the country crying out for separation. On the other hand, you have the bigger, ruling government in Ottawa.

There is a feeling by those in the separatist movement that the Quebecois are an oppressed class of people. The enemy, English Speaking Canadians and the ruling government of Canada as we know it today.

So right now, you have a big propoganda war going on. You have the nationalists vs. the separtists. All lie most likely, and somewhere in the middle, you will find the truth. Regardless, these are the antagonists in this saga.

Anytime the working class feels oppressed, first they are pissed off. Next, they unite. This is what socialism is all about. Whether fascisim results, that depends. It is all about the feeling of economic oppression. I give you 1917 Russia and 1933 Germany as two examples..

In any case, I have seen reference to the fact that because of this feeling of economic oppression by the Quebecois, on a per capita basis, you have more people that gravitate toward socialsim and fascism.

Lets look at fascism for a moment since we have had some colorful charaters in the last 100 years. Franco, Mussolini, Hitler. There are those that believe that Capitalisim breeds both Racism and Fascism. This is the battle cry of the socialists and communists. The issue becomes... who wins out because in the end, it is all a struggle...

Clearly, there is a socialist philosphy in Canada, at least with respect to medicine and healthcare. It is all very similar to Europe. My father was born and raised in Denmark and grew up during WW II. I know a thing or two about this whole topic...

Anyway.. with respect to Fascism...what is it all about...It is all about a centralized gov't with strict socioecomic controls that suppresses the opposition through terror. Is the Quebec Gov't Fascist? On the whole, no. Are there some fascist tendencies? Hmmmmm kind of... The whole language police thing is pretty bad. Not what I would call a free society... Any way you slice it, it smacks of a fascism in the making. It is bascially a way of getting all that is "impure" out. If it is not French, it must go. At the very least, it cannot be English only. And that rule of French having to be 2 or 3x larger than English. Totally ridiculous.

From what I have heard, a lot of business has migrated out because of the added cost due to the whole-dual language thing.

Clearly, there are some pissed off people in Quebec - The Quebecois. It becomes a melting pot for some bad stuff.

Hey, it is not my fight... I think the separtists are a bit radical. Then again,they need to be. Otherwise, how do they get heard. I have been accused of being a radical < bg >. While I have nothing against the people, I don't agree with the politics. Then again, it is not my fight..

>How often have you been in Quebec?

Never... While Quebec City looks nice to visit, my impressions are that it would not be an overly-friendly place. Just look at Garrett's experience.

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