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What if the UT looked like this....????
09/01/2000 19:33:08
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Visual FoxPro
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>>Forgive me John... but I must be missing something here...
>>You just spent at least three weeks ranting and raving about how unfair you're being treated here; how this site, it's management and it's users are all unworthy of your input because a) we don't treat you with the respect that you deserve or b) we're too dense to understand your enlightened guidance. You left in a huff twice , swearing that you were "gone for good" (both times <g>)...
>I think your interpretation of prior events is not quite correct. I have never thought that management or the users where "unworthy" of my input. Other than that, it would appear that you have a rather significant chip on your shoulder with my presence here.
>Look, how I expressed my viewpoints may not have always been constructive. I tend to be somebody who wears his feelings on his sleeve. I am a very open and honest person. Simply put, I am trying to work on some flaws...
>Judging by your member number, you have been here almost as long as me. As I said before, my actions over the past few months have not been representitive of the prior 4.5 years. On balance, I have been a valuable contributor. And with that in mind, I will stand on my record.
>Live in the past if you want... I, and hopefully everybody else is going forward....
>>Now you're back, apparently forgiven for your insults (and there were many) and you're re-designing the very forum that you were cussing so vehemently about.
>I guess I decided that I was going to be part of the solution, and not part of the problem.
>It was interesting because I learned a valuable lesson from my wife. She works with a lady that complains, complains, complains. Even my wife complains about stuff at her work, but she tries to be part of a solution. Evelyn (my wife) used to be friends with this woman. Now, Evelyn cannot stand to be around her - too much negative energy, a real let-down.
>And, I thought to myself, damn... I am just like that person my wife works with. What is worse, I am a very positive person. So, it is not in my character to be negative. If you have ever met me in person, I tend to be very upbeat and positive.
>So, when I say that I am honest, sometimes to a fault, and often brutally, I am hardest on myself..
>>Excuse me, but I just don't get it...
>No, I suspect you do not... I suppose you have not made mistakes in your life either... Hey, many of my points were valid. The way I presented my issues was, shall we say, less than desireable. Also, I think Ed Rauh's response to you sums up the whole issue as well...
>>Are you on the UT staff?
>No. As I understand it, there is no "staff" per se.
>>and if so, why were you so against this site?
>The site need some sprucing-up. And, based on the feedback, I am in good company. And, based on the quick response, Michel agreed.
>>Are you now contracted to rebuild this site or are you doing research for your
> own?
>I can tell you that I am not building my own site. First off, I don't have that kind of time. As for being contracted by Michel, I have a few comments on that:
>1. If I were contracted, it would be none of your business... :)
>2. No, I am not contracted, I am doing all of this pro-bono....
>>Oh... never mind... I'll just ignore it like everyone else...
>Hmmmm... I think you will be one of the only folks to ignore... < bg >...
>As always, thank you for being honest with your thoughts.... :)

Fair enough...

Maybe it was your sudden about face, or the fact that I don't know you personally, but for whatever reason, I doubted your sincerity and I thought you were trying weasle your way (no pun intended <g>) back into the forum as though nothing had happened.

So you see, I had to ask :)

At any rate, it seems you are indeed sincere and that's something I can respect.

I was expecting to be the target of your very-well-known wrath and instead, you explained yourself with civility.

Thanks for that, and welcome back

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