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Lets get a better report previewer for VFP 5.0
10/05/1997 00:47:01
06/05/1997 19:05:07
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Visual FoxPro
Reports & Report designer
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>>I am an advanced programmer (+10 years experience)
>>and I'm looking for a better VFP 5.0 report previewer.
>>The report previewer in VFP 5.0 cannot zoom reports more then 100%. This is a big problem when the font size of the report is difficult to read in preview mode. Sometimes even at 100% zoom factor it is unreadable. Microsoft recommends creating two repoorts, one for printing and one for previewing with a larger font. The problem with that solution is the extra work involded in creating and manageing 2 reports and you must somehow disable the print button on the preview toolbar. I think there must be some way of previewing the original report with a higher zoom factor. Does anyone know of a third party control which previews VFP 5.0 reports? Is there a way to send a message to the VFP reports preview window such as the sendmessage API function. What about the report data environnement object? Can that be subclassed to give more control over the preview window such as setting the zoom factor and enableing and disableing preview toolbar buttons. I am also thinking of writing my
>>own VFP 5.0 report previewer with tools such as VFP 5.0, VB 5.0 and VC++ 5.0. If anyone is interested in helping me out, please reply to this message with programming tips and recommendations on writing a better report previewer and any other useful info.
>>Thanks for your support.
>I have an old program that creates source code (prg equivalent) for FoxPro 2.x frx files. If I will have time, I will put it in the dowload corner in a few days. It's not what you're looking for, but it might help you in determining issues about what's inside frx files.

As promised, it's now uploaded in the download corner, Report Designer section, under the name "PRG form FRX".

Hope it will help you somehow. If you start working on this project, please let me know. I have a lot of ideas, but no time. :)


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