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Vfp50 - How do you display your REPORT?
13/05/1997 14:27:55
13/05/1997 13:08:59
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>>>>>>How do you display your REPORT if you do not want to use
>>>>>>>>REPORT FORM myreport PREVIEW?
>>>>>>>I would imagine there are lots of ways to do it. One method I have used in the past is .....
>>>>>>>REPORT FORM myreport TO FILE outfile ASCII
>>>>>>>MODI COMM outfile NOEDIT
>>>>>>Hi Eugene - thanks for that good answer... and it works. Now I need
>>>>>>to be able to put a TOOLBAR in with the REPORT so the user can do things
>>>>>>to the REPORT like the same things the REPORT PREVIEW TOOLBAR does.
>>>>>>The reason why I do not use the REPORT PREVIEW TOOLBAR is because it will
>>>>>>not allow me to add some more buttons. Got any ideas...
>>>>>Well, lets see..you may be able to reference the window of the MODI COMM by specifying the title to the window, but this is FP2.x coding (yech!!!) hehehe
>>>>>Another possibility I see is to save the file into a memo field after writing it out, then you can display it in an edit box on a form. That way you can reference the edit box from the toolbar.
>>>>>APPEND MEMO (memofld) FROM (filename)
>>>>>loForm = CREATEOBJECT("formclasswitheditbox") OR
>>>>>DO FORM formwitheditbox
>>>>>You will create an instance of the toolbar from within the form...this way you will be able to tie the toolbar and the form together. This should give you total control over what you want to do with the output, including changing the font size to make it larger.
>>>>thanks.. I do not like the idea of creating a MEMO field, because a MEMO field must APPEND to a table and because this is something I will only use once (each time the report button is clicked). Is there a way to use a MEMO field once and then discard it? I guess I just need a FORM and send the REPORT to a FORM and use a FORMSET do I can include a TOOLBAR. What do you think?
>>>I don't know of a way to send a report directly to a form. But to answer your first question....you can create a temporary cursor which only has the memo field in it....
>>>CREATE CURSOR tmpReport (RptMemo M)
>>>APPEND MEMO RptMemo FROM (filename)
>>>To discard it just use it...
>>>USE IN tmpReport
>>OK... we are getting close...
>>>>CREATE CURSOR tmpReport (RptMemo M)
>>Is the reason why you told me to CREATE CURSOR so we can use the
>>APPEND MEMO? Also, What does (RptMemo M) mean?
>>>>APPEND MEMO RptMemo FROM (filename)
>>My (filename) needs to be my REPORT OUTPUT? How do I get my REPORT OUTPUT
>>into a (filename)? My report is called myreport.frx
>>If I work this out, how do I call my TOOLBAR and bring it in the APPEND MEMO?
>>thanks again...rob
>REPORT FORM myreport TO FILE outfile ASCII
>CREATE CURSOR tmpReport (RptMemo M)
>APPEND MEMO RptMemo FROM outfile
>To get a toolbar and form to know that each other exist is fairly complex. Review the TasTrade application which comes with VFP to see how this is done. The (RptMemo M) is the name of the field in the cursor, defined as a Memo. The help will explain this further.

>>APPEND MEMO RptMemo FROM outfile - when I run this, I get an END OF FILE
Robert Keith
Independent Developer
San Antonio, Texas
E-mail address:

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