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Thread Frozen (When is this going to stop? - 339415)
02/03/2000 01:25:04
01/03/2000 22:05:25
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Hi Mike,

>Alright, lets just say I'm a little shooken up by the fact that someone # 1 says Schools are unsafe, someone # 2 stops further comment of it, and everyone else backs #1, when I'm sitting in a public school's computer lab.

Well, then you're "shooken up". Not discussing an issue won't make it go away.

At some point you and I are going to have to have our own convictions as to right and wrong and stop letting the opinions of others dictate our attitude towards life.

I can certain;y understand the fact that subjects like this disturb you. However, if you can find me a criminal mind that will respect your sensitivities I'll give you $100. Do you honestly think that because you are upset about something that that's going to change the situation? I hardly think so. That's not cynicism but 48 years of the reality of life. Do I think that people will change because I am upset? Nope, not one bit. In all of recorded history there have only been about 200 years when there wasn't a war someplace. During that whole time there have been people who have decried violence and you can count me as one of them. Of ALL treaties between countries some 90+ % are almost immediately violated.

>And since none of it applies to the forum topic, I don't think it is needed at all here.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But, think about this just a moment. Am I automatically obligated to follow your opinion of what should and should not be posted here then? Don't misunderstand, I think you're an extremely bright fellow and you've contributed a TON to this community. So has Jim Booth. The two of you are at polar opposites here. So who's right? Dunno but the minute you presume that your opinions should be the standard anyone and everyone has the right and obligation to have you explain how you arrived where you have, as do I. I see too many folks who get upset that others don't immediately give in to their feelings. Life's just not that way.

>>They just aren't related.
>I just thought it was ironic that the "wait until something happens" attitude ties in closely to what started this discussion.

?? Don't quite get what you're after here. Are you saying that this attitude is what creates violence??? Please help this old guy. *g*

>>Says who? You? Me? Actually, Michel is the one here in my mind who has that right. We still have the choice to abide or not by those decisions.
>Right, Mike has requested that I, on servel occasions, stick to the forum topic. VFP.

That's his prerogative. As I mentioned before, as far as I'm concerned he has every right to set whatever standard he wishes.

>>That's reaching a little. *s*
>What is, comparing to tragic incidents where people lost their lives for no reason?

To what? Comparing what TWO things? I understand the tragedy; what are you comparing it to?

>>Thing is Mike is that this IS Michel's forum. He sets the rules and that's fine by me. It has to be a tough job to satisfy everyone. From everything I've seen he's done a pretty good job. I'm really not too worried.
>I wasn't talkin' about you, I was talking about Mike and the advertisors. I wouldn't know for sure, but thats how I would think if I were in those positions.

I didn't take it that way and besides, when the going gets rough I just present the thickest part of my anatomy: My head. *g*

You're right that Michel will most likely not want things to get too wild. Personally I'd create a free-for-all chatter forum and direct folks there but that's another issue for another time I suppose.

>>This thread hasn't been a "catastrophe".
>You're right, but once again, I was(am) shaken up by some of the attitudes here.

I can appreciate that but I'm thinking that you may be reading a wee bit too much into what you're reading. As you get to know me you'll find that I'm a HUGE proponent of personal responsibility. From that I derive the notion that our justice system should be (and really isn't now) as firm AND fair as possible. This comes from a place where I can resolve the two issues of justice and mercy but since that's a spiritual discussion I'll save it for a F2F point in time when you choose, if you choose. *s*

Anyone who kills someone else should, IMO, if they did the deed deliberately should pay with their own life. Either life or the death penalty.

But, since I don't write the laws... *s* Maybe I should run for Congress and pass a law that VB be outlawed and everyone gets a free copy of VFP... *bg*




A man is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose.
Everything I don't understand must be easy!
The difficulty of any task is measured by the capacity of the agent performing the work.

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