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Is the Insult Mentality a Generational Thing?
30/03/2000 09:31:54
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Interesting notes Dale,

If I am looking for a man whom to follow, who should I look for? Is he the man who is:

1. Optimist - There is hope even the situation is worst, and gives me 10 on my head although I performed below par giving me chance to prove myself again.
2. Realist - Too much of pre-cautions which tends to see negative things more often than seeing the positive things on me. It's more on the "Real World Now" than the "Possibilities Tomorrow."
3. Pessimist - It seems that I'm in a hopeless situation, sickness is a terminal cancer. The world is becoming worst and worst... let's kneel down and wait for the Lord is very coming soon.

>>The possibility of positively influencing a generation is one of the reasons that I enjoy being a friend to teens, and taking time with them in one-on-one discussions whenever possible.
>I would like to offer my opinion on the above statement. I would like to know what type of positive influence you're talking about. Do you mentor troubled teens, if not what type of kids do you mentor? What, generally, are their needs? What do you mean by "whenever possible"? Daily, weekly, monthly?
>A. Is the positive influence: You = child and I = David (For those of you who are easily confused:))
>B. I want to help you realize the importance of education in your future life, so you will be able to make informed decisions. When you speak, or write, you do so with authority and others will respect you because you will be right more often than wrong.
>C. I don't use the f word but I know some of your friends do. You shouldn't associate with them. Or,
>D. You know those kids that are always getting in trouble and use the f word all the time. Why don't you be their friend and invite them over to spend the night.
>E. When I am mentoring, do I listen more than I talk. Do I really understand what the child needs, or am I just trying to satisfy my own ego?
>F. Democrats are bad for America. All they want to do is tax and spend our hard earned money. I think you should be a Republican.
>G. Republicans are bad for America. All they want to do is give tax breaks to the rich and spend what's left on the Pentagon. I think you should be a Democrat.
>H. When you turn 13 I'm going to lock you in your room until you're 21. There's a lot of bad people out there and I don't want you associating with them.
>I. All of the above.
>J. None of the above.
>K. Other. If so, please explain.
>>>You have your support and others with opposing views have theirs. As long as this is the case, I see no hope for your cause, the UT, or the world, for that matter.
>>Just a wee bit less optimistic than my view. :-) I have seen the changes you have described in the lives of many, and I believe in the power of mentoring and encouraging excellence and integrity. When lives are built on such solid-rock foundations, there is reason for hope.
>I am not an optimist. I consider myself to be a realist. There are some things I have control over and can change. There are many things I do not have any control over and cannot change.
Project Leader - SDD division
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CHARISMA simply means: "Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than you are in making them feel good about you."

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