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Please clarify profanity rules
04/04/2000 00:01:43
03/04/2000 23:30:08
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I think we all agree that f* and s* are on this list. Further definition is in context. For example, "you are a moronic cretin" involves no questionable words but is certainly malicious and strongly discouraged. OTOH, if someone posts "that utility is a piece of s*" we'll probably look the other way because no one is being directly insulted.

It's something that can only be codifyed to a degree. You don't want to stifle ideas. And you don't want things to degenerate into a free-for-all.

>I've requested clarification from one of the SYSOPS here about the rules of conduct. They have been unable to answer my questions.
>If malicious profanity is not allowed, then:
>1) What are the standards of "maliciousness"
>2) What is profanity? I ask because there are many threads here on the UT that use "F*, effing, f*dup, damn, shit, piss, crap, and hell."
>When I pointed this out, I was told, quote: "*Malicious* use of profanity is not allowed, not mild profanity itself. What we are really concerned with is obscenties. Hell, damn, crap....whatnot are not obscene." (Side note: If that is so, then why don't the rules _say_ obscene instead of profane? And, so far as I know, my neices and nephew aren't allowed to use any of the words.)
>To continue, I was informed that what can be heard on network T.V. is okay to say. A couple of questions arise from this guideline:
>1) I don't have a T.V. so I don't know what is current. I haven't had one in several years.
>2) Would one need to document the T.V. show that they heard the word on?
>Finally, I was told that it is not that hard to know what is "acceptable in normal social discourse." Well, that is NOT damn, hell, crap, etc, in my view of what I'll call polite language. As for "normal social discourse." That, of course, varies wildly.
>You may think I'm just being a smartass. I'm not. I'm as deadly earnest about this subject as _any_ of the advocates of _rules_. But I am being told that because I disagree I am stupid, etc.
>I hope that perhaps someone might see that rules themselvesdo not make for civil discourse. Especially since they are not enforced. Few people get banned...and so far, all I can tell, they are those who you've deemed "outsiders." For not doing much more than we do to each other _every_ day here. Even as a non-parent, I know that a rule uninforced is worse than no rule at all.
>That's all. Carry on. But, if someone does have a logical, rational guideline, please do let me know. Otherwise, I'll know what the rule is: it's whatever the ruling majority think it is at any given moment.
John Koziol, ex-MVP, ex-MS, ex-FoxTeam. Just call me "X"
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" - Hunter Thompson (Gonzo) RIP 2/19/05

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