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Please clarify profanity rules
04/04/2000 00:28:21
04/04/2000 00:13:04
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>What sort of answer can you expect? A dirty word list? Impractical, and ineffective, and you know it.

If you are banning words, then, yes, you should be able to list them. Otherwise, how do you ban them?

> The reason that you can't get a straight answer is because we don't have one.

Yes, I know that. Then why waste time defining, honing, writing, posting them?

> Even the rule "what you hear on network TV" is not practical,

Of course it's not.

>The best answer to this is self-regulation, but unfortunately, a few otherwise very-intelligent people here seem to lack whatever part of the brain it is that helps with manners and respect.

Yes, but, Erik...how have the rules stopped that? Or even affected it? Please, notice that all of this is happening with the rules, such as they are, in place.

>I know you are not being a smarta**. But try to put yourself in our shoes. What would you do? Please be specific.

I would not post rules. I would post guidelines. I would not make up new guidelines but use the newsgroup guidelines that have been in place for many years--field developed and field tested. I would let the community come to it's own balance.

There is plenty of private messaging when threads get out of hand, for example. Honestly, what do you think will make the most impact? Someone chiding someone as if they are a child, or a friend giving a quiet little reality check?

Twit filters are a good idea. The sensitive message flag is a somewhat good idea, but I'm not sure yet. It depends a lot on implementation. Notice, I'm advocating the individual be responsible for controlling what they see and hear.

OTOH, the option is one I've advocated many times in private: this is Michel's forum. If he wants to do something, he should just do it, and deal with the consequences of people paying or not paying for the service. Guess he could put up a sign: "Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason."

That would be honest, direct, and clear. But, it also would require a lot of follow through.

One last thought: when instituting rules, it helps to wonder why is it being advocated? What is then end result? How will the end result be acheived by having this rule? What happens with the rule is broken? What are the exceptions? If you can't answer those questions, you're not ready to make a rule.

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