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VFP code syntax coloring in HTML
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Sorry, haven't tested enough. I'm a little tired of this program :(

>>>Can not get it working too :( I tried to
>>Sorry, thats not realy what I meant. I'm guessing this will work:
>>lcCode=strtran(chrtran(lcCode, chr(10), ''), chr(13), chr(13) + chr(10))
>>Anywhere before the Alines()
>>>Yes, but I'm not 100% sure, that my code does it right in all cases.
>>I dunno, I haven't looked at your code close enough, but the orginal version never made those changes.
>Hi Mike,
>I finally made it!!!!!!!! Works like a charm.
>*  Description.......: nnHTMLCode
>*  Calling Samples...: on key label F9 _cliptext=nnHTMLCode(_cliptext)
>*  Parameter List....: lcCode, lcPath, lcBeatify
>*  Created by........: Mike Helland
>*  Modified by.......: Nadya Nosonovsky 04/13/2000 11:02:34 AM
>lparameters lcCode, lcPath, lcBeatify
>if empty(lcCode) or vartype(lcCode)'C' && Check if first parameter exists
>     return .f.
>if vartype(lcBeatify)'C'
>     release lcBeatify
>     lcBeatify='M' && Mixed
>if vartype(lcBeatify)='C' and not inlist(left(upper(lcBeatify),1),'U','L')
>     lcBeatify='M'
>#define SINGLEQUOTE [']
>#define DOUBLEQUOTE ["]
>#define LEFTPAR     "["
>#define RIGHTPAR    "]"
>#define FONTBLUE    ''
>#define FONTGREEN   ''
>#define FONTEND     ''
>#define SYMBOLS     ':;,./\+=-{}[]()#*'
>*Do some basic HTML intializing
>lcCode = strtran(lcCode, chr(9), space(5))
>lcCode = strtran(lcCode, '&', '&')
>lcCode = strtran(lcCode, 'lcCode = strtran(lcCode, '>', '>')
>lcCode = strtran(lcCode, chr(13), chr(13)+chr(13))
>*Create an array ouf of our strings.
>local laLines[1], lcReturn, lnLines, lnI, lcLine, lnWA
>local lcFL, lcComment, lcBeforeComment, lnWords, lcResult
>dimension laWords[1]
>local lcDoubleAmp, lnStartComment, k, lcLeft, lcRight
>lnLines=alines(laLines, lcCode)
>lcReturn = ''
>if !used('words')
>     use (iif(empty(lcPath), '', lcPath) + 'words') in 0 order tag revword
>*Proccess each line
>for lnI = 1 to lnLines
>     lcLine = laLines[lnI]
>*Don't even bother the blank ones
>     if empty(alltrim(lcLine))
>          lcReturn = lcReturn +chr(13) + chr(10)
>          loop
>     endif
>*Full Line Comments, first
>     if left(alltrim(lcLine),1) = '*'
>          lcLine = FONTGREEN + lcLine + FONTEND
>*Print line here
>          lcReturn = lcReturn + chr(13) + chr(10) + lcLine
>          loop
>     endif
>     lcComment=''
>     lcBeforeComment=lcLine
>*     lcFL = ' '+ upper(trim(chrtran(lcBeforeComment, ':;./\+=-}]()#', space(15)))) + ' '
>*Now end of the line comments
>     lcDoubleAmp = '&&' && This is to test our function
>     lnStartComment = at(lcDoubleAmp, lcLine)
>     if lnStartComment > 0
>          lcComment = FONTGREEN+substr(lcLine, lnStartComment) + FONTEND
>          lcBeforeComment=substr(lcLine, 1,lnStartComment-1)
>     endif
>*!* Devide string into words
>     lnWords = aparser(@laWords, lcBeforeComment,SYMBOLS)
>     lcResult=''
>     for k=1 to lnWords
>* First check if we're in a string
>        laWords[k]=chrtran(laWords[k],chr(254),space(1))
>          lcLeft=left(laWords[k],1)
>          if lcLeft=LEFTPAR
>               lcLeft=RIGHTPAR
>          endif
>          llStartString=.f.
>          if inlist(lcLeft,DOUBLEQUOTE,SINGLEQUOTE,LEFTPAR) && String starts
>               llStartString=.t.
>               lcSymb=lcLeft
>          endif
>          do while llStartString
>            laWords[k]=chrtran(laWords[k],chr(254),space(1))
>               if k                lcLeft=left(laWords[k+1],1)
>                lcRight=right(laWords[k+1],1)
>                    if lcSymb==lcLeft or lcSymb==lcRight
>                    lcSymb=''
>                         llStartString=.f. && String ends
>                         exit
>                    endif
>                 lcResult=lcResult+laWords[k]
>                    k=k+1 && Increment count
>               else
>                lcSymb=''
>                    llStartString=.f. && String ends
>                    exit
>               endif
>          enddo
>          if not empty(laWords[k]) and seek(upper(padr(laWords[k],22)),'words','revword') && Word found
>               do case
>               case left(upper(lcBeatify),1)='U' && Upper case
>                    laWords[k]=upper(laWords[k])
>               case left(upper(lcBeatify),1)='L' && Lower case
>                    laWords[k]=lower(laWords[k])
>               endcase
>               laWords[k]=FONTBLUE+laWords[k]+FONTEND
>          endif
>          lcResult=lcResult+laWords[k]
>     next
>     if not empty(lcBeforeComment) and not empty(lcResult)
>          lcBeforeComment=lcResult
>     endif
>*Submit the process line
>     lcReturn = lcReturn  + chr(13) + chr(10) + lcBeforeComment+lcComment && Another In Line Test to use
>lcReturn = lcReturn  + '
>use in words
>select (lnWA)
>wait window nowait 'Transformed  '+alltrim(str(lnLines))+' lines in '+alltrim(str(seconds()-lnSec,10,6))+' sec'
>return lcReturn
>function aparser
>*  Description.......: Function parses a text string into an array.
>*                    : Each element of the array contains one word...
>*  Calling Samples...: dimension laWords[1]
>*                    : lcWordString = "Some text string"
>*                    : lnWords = aparser(@laWords, lcWordString)
>*  Parameter List....: paWords, pcWordString, pcDelimiter
>lparameter paWords, pcWordString, pcDelimiter
>local lnWords, i, lcSymbol
>external array paWords
>if vartype(pcDelimiter)'C'
>     pcDelimiter=space(1)
>pcWordString=strtran(pcWordString,space(1), space(1)+chr(254))
>for i=1 to len(pcDelimiter)
>     lcSymbol=substr(pcDelimiter,i,1)
>     pcWordString=strtran(pcWordString,lcSymbol,space(1)+lcSymbol+space(1))  && Larry Miller suggested
>*!* Replace the delimiter with CHR(13) using STRTRAN.
>pcWordString = strtran(pcWordString, space(1), chr(13))
>*!* Now put each element in an array.
>lnWords=alines(paWords, pcWordString)
>return lnWords
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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