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VFP code syntax coloring in HTML
20/04/2000 10:18:01
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Visual FoxPro
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Hi Mike,

It's good that you wrote this program. I think, it's probably better, than mine (though mine could be easily improved regarding partial words and additional lines in FileToStr - I can just use your code for that). The speed difference is not so important, because 202 lines run in 0.3 sec. and if it would be 0.2 sec. or even 0.1 sec, it still doesn't matter, though I haven't tested my program on really long peace of code. The disadvantage of your program - it doesn't correctly deal with strings, which my program does. If you can improve it and still have speed benefit, your program will definitely win.

Anyway, I'll correct my version regarding partial words and additional lines for a moment while you will improve yours. Ok?

>Hi Nadya,
>Well, after a week of getting your messages, I decided to give version 2 a crack last night, and after 3 Mountain Dews, this is where I ended up. It runs in about 1/3 - 1/2 the timeyour does, plus, I don't mutate any of the Tabs, partial words are colored (modi comm) and I won't reformatt the upper( word ) thing like yours does. I did leave out the "in a string" business, though, you could write somehting tricky with an Occurs() and SubStr() if you wanted it. Also, this formats lines correctly, unlike yours which gives double blank lines inconsitantly (try passing it a FileToStr()).
>Note, there is supposed to be an @ between the ! and # in that symbols string way down there, but I took it out because the UT parser was treating it like a giant email address.
>#define ccRW		'font color=blue>'
>#define ccCOMMENT	'font color=green>'
>#define ccCLOSE		'font>'
>#define cnRWLEN		17
>#define cnCLOSELEN	7
>*Collect out parameters and check 'em
>lparameters tcCode, tcPath
>local lcCode
>lcCode = tcCode
>if empty(lcCode)
>	return ''
>wait wind nowai &&This is to test partial words
>*The words table holds all of the words that will turn color
>local llCloseWords
>if not used('words')
>	llCloseWords = .T.
>	use (iif(empty(tcPath), '', tcPath) + 'words') in 0
>*Start the clock
>lnSec = Seconds()
>*Setup two simple variables for speed
>local leCR, leLF
>leCR	= chr(13)
>leLF 	= chr(10)
>leTab	= chr(9)
>*Do some basic HTML intializing
>lcCode = strtran(lcCode, '&', '&')
>lcCode = strtran(lcCode, 'lcCode = strtran(lcCode, '>', '>')
>lcCode = strtran(chrtran(lcCode, leLF, ''), leCR, leCR + leLF)
>*Create an array element for each line and start to proccess
>local laLines[1], lcReturn, lnI, lcLine
>lnLines = alines(laLines, lcCode)
>lcReturn = ''
>*Proccess each line
>for lnI = 1 to lnLines
>	lcLine = laLines[lnI]
>	*Don't even bother the blank ones
>	if empty(alltrim(lcLine))
>		lcReturn = lcReturn + leCR + leLF
>		loop
>	endif
>	*Full Line Comments, first
>	local lcNoTabLine
>	lcNoTabLine = upper(ltrim(chrtran(lcLine, leTab, '')))
>	if lcNoTabLine = '*' or ;
>		lcNoTabLine = 'NOTE'
>		lcLine = ccCOMMENT + lcLine + ccCLOSE
>		*And move on
>		lcReturn = lcReturn + leCR + leLF + lcLine
>		loop
>	endif
>	*Now end of the line comments
>	local lnStartComment, lcComment
>	lnStartComment = at('&&', lcLine)
>	if lnStartComment > 0
>		lcComment = ccCOMMENT + substr(lcLine, lnStartComment) + ccCLOSE
>		lcLine = substr(lcLine, 1, lnStartComment - 1)
>	else
>		lcComment = ''
>	endif
>	*Lets loop through every word in our line
>	local laWords[1], ;
>		lcTempLine, ;
>		lnOffSet, ;
>		lnWords, ;
>		lnWord, ;
>		lnWordLen
>	lcTempLine = ' ' + ltrim(chrtran(upper(lcLine), ;
>		'~! #$%^&*()-+=|\{}[]:;,./\' + leTab, space(29))) + ' '
>	lnOffset = len(lcLine) - len(lcTempLine) + 1
>	lnWords = occurs(' ', lcTempLine) - 1
>	lnRWs = 0
>	dime laWords[lnWords, 2]
>	for lnWord = 1 to lnWords
>		lnWordStart = at(' ', lcTempLine, lnWord) + 1 + lnOffset
>		lcWord = substr(lcTempLine, ;
>			lnWordStart - lnOffSet, ;
>			at(' ', lcTempLine, lnWord + 1) - lnWordStart + lnOffSet)
>		lnWordLen = len(lcWord)
>		*Now, see if our word is a color changer
>		if not empty(lcWord) and seek(iif(lnWordLen 			padr(lcWord, 4), lcWord), 'words', 'revword')
>			*It is, insert the tags and bump the counter
>			lcLine = stuff(lcLine, lnWordStart + ;
>				((cnRWLEN + cnCLOSELEN) * lnRWs), 0, ccRW)
>			lcLine = stuff(lcLine, lnWordStart + ;
>				((cnRWLEN + cnCLOSELEN) * lnRWs) + cnRWLEN + lnWordLen, 0, ccCLOSE)
>			lnRWs = lnRWs + 1
>		endif
>	endfor	
>	lcReturn = lcReturn + leCR + leLF + lcLine + lcComment
>*Return the orginal value so we can pass by ref if we want
>tcCode = lcReturn  + '
>lcSec = alltrim(str(seconds() - lnSec, 10, 6))
>wait window nowait alltrim(str(lnLines)) + ;
>	' lines in ' + lcSec + ' seconds'
>*Finish out
>if llCloseWords
>	use in words
>return tcCode
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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