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VFP code syntax coloring in HTML
20/04/2000 10:18:01
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Visual FoxPro
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Hi Mike,

Forgot to mention:
*Now, see if our word is a color changer
> if not empty(lcWord) and seek(iif(lnWordLen < 4, ;
> padr(lcWord, 4), lcWord), 'words', 'revword')

would not work, if set exact on.

>Hi Nadya,
>Well, after a week of getting your messages, I decided to give version 2 a crack last night, and after 3 Mountain Dews, this is where I ended up. It runs in about 1/3 - 1/2 the timeyour does, plus, I don't mutate any of the Tabs, partial words are colored (modi comm) and I won't reformatt the upper( word ) thing like yours does. I did leave out the "in a string" business, though, you could write somehting tricky with an Occurs() and SubStr() if you wanted it. Also, this formats lines correctly, unlike yours which gives double blank lines inconsitantly (try passing it a FileToStr()).
>Note, there is supposed to be an @ between the ! and # in that symbols string way down there, but I took it out because the UT parser was treating it like a giant email address.
>#define ccRW		'font color=blue>'
>#define ccCOMMENT	'font color=green>'
>#define ccCLOSE		'font>'
>#define cnRWLEN		17
>#define cnCLOSELEN	7
>*Collect out parameters and check 'em
>lparameters tcCode, tcPath
>local lcCode
>lcCode = tcCode
>if empty(lcCode)
>	return ''
>wait wind nowai &&This is to test partial words
>*The words table holds all of the words that will turn color
>local llCloseWords
>if not used('words')
>	llCloseWords = .T.
>	use (iif(empty(tcPath), '', tcPath) + 'words') in 0
>*Start the clock
>lnSec = Seconds()
>*Setup two simple variables for speed
>local leCR, leLF
>leCR	= chr(13)
>leLF 	= chr(10)
>leTab	= chr(9)
>*Do some basic HTML intializing
>lcCode = strtran(lcCode, '&', '&amp;')
>lcCode = strtran(lcCode, 'lcCode = strtran(lcCode, '>', '&gt;')
>lcCode = strtran(chrtran(lcCode, leLF, ''), leCR, leCR + leLF)
>*Create an array element for each line and start to proccess
>local laLines[1], lcReturn, lnI, lcLine
>lnLines = alines(laLines, lcCode)
>lcReturn = ''
>*Proccess each line
>for lnI = 1 to lnLines
>	lcLine = laLines[lnI]
>	*Don't even bother the blank ones
>	if empty(alltrim(lcLine))
>		lcReturn = lcReturn + leCR + leLF
>		loop
>	endif
>	*Full Line Comments, first
>	local lcNoTabLine
>	lcNoTabLine = upper(ltrim(chrtran(lcLine, leTab, '')))
>	if lcNoTabLine = '*' or ;
>		lcNoTabLine = 'NOTE'
>		lcLine = ccCOMMENT + lcLine + ccCLOSE
>		*And move on
>		lcReturn = lcReturn + leCR + leLF + lcLine
>		loop
>	endif
>	*Now end of the line comments
>	local lnStartComment, lcComment
>	lnStartComment = at('&amp;&amp;', lcLine)
>	if lnStartComment > 0
>		lcComment = ccCOMMENT + substr(lcLine, lnStartComment) + ccCLOSE
>		lcLine = substr(lcLine, 1, lnStartComment - 1)
>	else
>		lcComment = ''
>	endif
>	*Lets loop through every word in our line
>	local laWords[1], ;
>		lcTempLine, ;
>		lnOffSet, ;
>		lnWords, ;
>		lnWord, ;
>		lnWordLen
>	lcTempLine = ' ' + ltrim(chrtran(upper(lcLine), ;
>		'~! #$%^&*()-+=|\{}[]:;,./\' + leTab, space(29))) + ' '
>	lnOffset = len(lcLine) - len(lcTempLine) + 1
>	lnWords = occurs(' ', lcTempLine) - 1
>	lnRWs = 0
>	dime laWords[lnWords, 2]
>	for lnWord = 1 to lnWords
>		lnWordStart = at(' ', lcTempLine, lnWord) + 1 + lnOffset
>		lcWord = substr(lcTempLine, ;
>			lnWordStart - lnOffSet, ;
>			at(' ', lcTempLine, lnWord + 1) - lnWordStart + lnOffSet)
>		lnWordLen = len(lcWord)
>		*Now, see if our word is a color changer
>		if not empty(lcWord) and seek(iif(lnWordLen 			padr(lcWord, 4), lcWord), 'words', 'revword')
>			*It is, insert the tags and bump the counter
>			lcLine = stuff(lcLine, lnWordStart + ;
>				((cnRWLEN + cnCLOSELEN) * lnRWs), 0, ccRW)
>			lcLine = stuff(lcLine, lnWordStart + ;
>				((cnRWLEN + cnCLOSELEN) * lnRWs) + cnRWLEN + lnWordLen, 0, ccCLOSE)
>			lnRWs = lnRWs + 1
>		endif
>	endfor	
>	lcReturn = lcReturn + leCR + leLF + lcLine + lcComment
>*Return the orginal value so we can pass by ref if we want
>tcCode = lcReturn  + '
>lcSec = alltrim(str(seconds() - lnSec, 10, 6))
>wait window nowait alltrim(str(lnLines)) + ;
>	' lines in ' + lcSec + ' seconds'
>*Finish out
>if llCloseWords
>	use in words
>return tcCode
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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