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Data Buffering Problem: HELP!
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>>>>Your statement "when I pack. . ." implies strongly to me that you *ARE* deleting records somewhere, somehow.
>>>>good luck
>>>>Jim N
>>>>>This data buffering thing is killing me. There must be something is don't fundamentally understand.
>>>>>I have a form that has a grid that holds 'child' records. I have a button to 'Add' new child record and that isn't the problem. The problem is the child record I just added appears in the grid as long as I have the form open, even when I move the parent record around but when I close the form and reopen the form, the record(s) disappear!!!
>>>>>I have tried to change the buffer mode on the form from 2 (optimistic) to 0 (none) but the newly added record still doesn't get saved!!!
>>>>>If I exit my program and look at the records in the table from project manager, it displays in the status bar that total number of records have increased yet I'm not able to see the records when I open it in browse window. When I pack the table, the total number of records return to previous number before I added any records.
>>>>>Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I haven't had this happen to me since I started using VFP but this is driving me crazy!
>>>If that was the case, if I set deleted off before I pack the table, shouldn't I be able to see it in the browse window from PM?

-- snip --

>Update: I copied the project to my home computer and found out one important thing. In my home computer it's little different. When I add, let's say, two child records and exit form/app and go to PM and browse the child table, I now see two recs I added. Now when I rerun the app, I only see one record (the second record) only. Exit to PM and browse I now see that first record was deleted! I have no idea why! If I run the app again, the second rec will also be deleted. It seems everytime I run the app, one record is deleted each time. I can't understand it. I'm relatively sure I'm not issuing any delete statements within any other methods on the form. I got to finish this project by noon tomorrow and this is holding me back. It seems so simple and I have successessfully done similar forms w/o any problem whatsoever. I'm totally frustated!!!

John, put a break point for a change in the deleted() status on your child table and try running through the form again adding a couple of records. This may show where the records are being deleted.

Are you SURE the child table had the correct foreign key added?

What referential integrity do you have set on these tables?

Barbara Paltiel, Paltiel Inc.

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