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Why doesn't this SQL Select return the expected answer
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Hi Richard,

Try this:
local lcOutTable
lcOutTable= SYS(2023)+"\NeedMini.DBF" ;

SELECT v12Clients.*, ;
vProfiles.Profile_no, ;
vProfiles.Date_Enter, ;
vProfiles.Profauthnm ;
FROM v12Clients INNER JOIN vProfiles ;
ON vProfiles.Client_no=v12Clients.Client_no;
ORDER BY v12Clients.Client_no, ;
vProfiles.Date_Enter DESCENDING, ;
vProfiles.Profile_no ;
into table (lcOutTable)

>I've tried several variations on this theme with nothing out of the expected...
>It seems only my original Select is goofed...but ???
>I still can't figure out why the
>"Where Upper(Alltrim(vProfiles.Client_no))== Upper(Alltrim(v12Clients.Client_no))"
>returns matches on only 2 (instead of the expected 6) client_no
>It matches
>'11-00CVG '
>'11-9 '
>but not the rest
>How else can I merge these tables?
>>Try to run the same two selects but with extra space at the end of client_no
>>SELECT * FROM FROM v12Clients WHERE Client_no = "111-00-1296 "
>>SELECT * FROM FROM vProfiles WHERE Client_no = "111-00-1296 "

>>>I just tried your suggestion and it worked fine...I'm still stuck!
>>>>I don't see any problems with your select. I think that problem is with your data.
>>>>Try to run two separate selects
>>>>SELECT * FROM FROM v12Clients WHERE Client_no = "111-00-1296"
>>>>SELECT * FROM FROM vProfiles WHERE Client_no = "111-00-1296"

>>>>>With these tables (Fox2.6 cursors) and these data, why doesn't this select return any records for Client_no 111-00-1296
>>>>>		SELECT v12Clients.*, ;
>>>>>				vProfiles.Profile_no, ;
>>>>>				vProfiles.Date_Enter, ;
>>>>>				vProfiles.Profauthnm ;
>>>>>			FROM v12Clients, vProfiles ;
>>>>>			INTO TABLE SYS(2023)+"\NeedMini.DBF" ;
>>>>>			ORDER BY v12Clients.Client_no, vProfiles.Date_Enter DESCENDING, vProfiles.Profile_no ;
>>>>>			WHERE UPPER(ALLTRIM(vProfiles.Client_no)) == UPPER(ALLTRIM(v12Clients.Client_no))
>>>>>Structure for table:            c:\temp\00861482.tmp
>>>>>Number of data records:       392
>>>>>Date of last update:            06/29/1900
>>>>>Code Page:                     1252
>>>>>   Field   Field Name         Type                 Width        Dec       Index    Collate
>>>>>       1   CLIENT_NO          Character               15
>>>>>       2   PROFILE_NO         Character               11
>>>>>       3   DATE_ENTER         Date                     8
>>>>>       4   PROFAUTHNM         Character               30
>>>>>** Total **                                           65
>>>>>Structure for table:            c:\temp\00861477.tmp
>>>>>Number of data records:       6
>>>>>Date of last update:            06/29/1900
>>>>>Memo file block size:         64
>>>>>Code Page:                     1252
>>>>>   Field   Field Name         Type                 Width        Dec       Index    Collate
>>>>>       1   CLSEQNUM           Character               16
>>>>>       2   CLNUMBER           Character               15
>>>>>       3   CLCMPNY            Character               40
>>>>>      73   CLIENT_NO          Character               15
>>>>>      74   USAGE              Numeric                 10
>>>>>** Total **                                          871
>>>>>'11-00CVG       '   (1 entry, Record Number 1)
>>>>>'11-17-159-1    '   (1 entry, Record Number 2)
>>>>>'11-9           '   (1 entry, Record Number 3)
>>>>>'111-00-1285    '   (1 entry, Record Number 4)
>>>>>'111-00-1296    '   (1 entry, Record Number 5)
>>>>>'111-00-1302    '   (1 entry, Record Number 6)
>>>>>'11-00CVG       '   (377 entries, Record Numbers 1-377)
>>>>>'11-17-159-1    '   (3 entries, Record Numbers 378-380)
>>>>>'11-9           '   (3 entries, Record Numbers 381-383)
>>>>>'111-00-1285    '   (2 entries, Record Numbers 384-385)
>>>>>'111-00-1296    '   (3 entries, Record Numbers 386-388)
>>>>>'111-00-1302    '   (4 entries, Record Numbers 389-392)
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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