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Need to stuff a page break in a string
27/07/2000 16:23:06
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Visual FoxPro
Reports & Report designer
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>Yes I now unerstand your problem ... you need to have a double martini everytime you think about this report!
>I know you don't need me to tell you the following, but sometimes thinking outload helps, so I figure you need to ...
>1. Determine if a town group is about to end on an odd page and

That's easy - if mod(_pageno,2)>0 && This is an odd page

>2. If it does, force a page eject before that town grouping prints

That's not easy :(((((( As I said, I already tried couple of ideas. I tried insert function, which eject - the result was very strange...

So, if you happen to find a solution, let me know, please.

BTW, what does shout mean?

>I can't think of anything at the moment, but if I do I'll give you a shout.

>>Thanks a lot for your suggestion :))) I may play with Report a little more, though I thought, I played enough already...
>>Ok, I repeat my problem, so you can understand, what I'm trying to achieve.
>>I have a complex report (I designed it), which has several groups. Each group starts on the new page. The Groups are: by county, and within it by town.
>>Now there is my problem: if town group ends on odd page, I have to insert a blank page, otherwise I don't have to insert. Now what can you suggest?
>>Hopefully, I explained my problem well...
>>>No I'm afraid I do not understand your problem.
>>>What I am referring to is ....
>>>while modifying your report, click on the menu choice Report-->Data Grouping and you will see that each grouping has a check box "Start each group on a new page" which if checked, will perform a form feed for each grouping so selected.
>>>I would suggest you create a simple report and play with these options to better understand how it will work before trying it on a complex one.
>>>Hope this helps.

>>>>>>>>Hi Isaac,
>>>>>>>>AFAIK, you can insert only one SUMMARY band in Report, right?
>>>>>>>That is correct.
>>>>>>Therefore this idea would not work for Report with Groups...
>>>>>Actually it probably would work. Each group band can start on a new page.
>>>>Could you please expand, what do you mean? Did you understand the problem I'm having?
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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