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VB vs. VFP
23/07/1997 10:14:58
22/07/1997 20:02:24
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>>>>There used to be a document running around somewhere that compared Visual FoxPro to Visual Basic. Does anyone know where I can go to find this. Or, if someone has a copy, could you forward it to me?
>>>>>I once had a conversation with a VB/Access devotee that went like this:
>>>>>ne: Before the advent of Windows as a viable operating system, would you have even considred wrting a database application in DOS?
>>>>>His response was 'no'
>>>>>me: So what's the difference now?
>>>>>I didn't get a response to the second question.
>>>>>Bill Chadbourne
>>>>I agree with you there...and I think I am making progress :)
>>>Let me rephrase that:
>>>me: Before the advent of Windows as a viable operating system, would you have even considered writing a database application in Basic?
>>>His response was 'no'
>>>me: So what's the difference now?
>>>I didn't get a response to the second question
>>I often have those type of conversations with VB/Access programmers, although they're more like
>>them: Access can do
>>me: Ok, Fox was doing that in '91
>>them: Access can do
>>me: Great, Fox was doing that in '88
>>them: Access can handle a 40,000 record file!
>>me: Goody! When I need to work with a system that small, I might consider Access. Although why I would want to add another layer of complexity with the interface between VB and Access when Fox gives it to me in one package......
>That's very good. I think it basically comes down to marketing. We both know that VFP is the superior product. One of the responsibilities I have at work is to set up E-Mail accounts for new users and one new user loved Access like it was a family member so I sent the following practice message "Access was invented so Basic Programmers wouldn't have to learn a real database programming language like VFP". Needless to say she was not too happy to receive my message.
>Bill Chadbourne

oooOOOOooooo.....tacky! tacky!

i LIKE it! <grin>

Here at TDH, we've got a new programmer who had worked in VB/Access and liked it.....until she got the opportunity to work in VFP3. She has since been moved to an Access project and every time I see her she's saying "Is there a VFP project I can get on to? I used to like Access......before Fox......"
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