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VFP and the Corporate IT
21/09/2000 13:42:46
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Visual FoxPro
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As I have thought. You can dish it out but really don't like it back. Perhaps the next time you cut someone off at the knees by your not-so-clever insinuations and snide remarks you will remember this message you just sent? We'll see I suppose.

Oh I can take it.. Hey, if you want a shot at the title, be my guest...

Thank you for confirming, once again, the stark difference between attitude and knowledge.

Given that by definition they are in fact two different things, this does not surprise me...

Lessee... What was that phrase? Oh yeah, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his own soul."

Why do you always bring a religous aspect to your arguments? I hear the thump of the bible now...< s >...

I'm more than happy to cede to you that you are smarter than every other human being, living or dead. What do you gain from this? Nothing that will last.

You see, that is YOUR defensive interpretation of everything. There are lots of people smarter than me. Don't lay your hang-ups on me. At the very least, don't put words in my mouth...

>When you are gone, what will people remember of you? Or me?

Oh I can hear the violins now.....< s >....

>Why should I leave you alone John? You don't leave others alone and I just figure that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, don't you? I mean let's be unemotional and just deal with the facts without any emotion, right? Or, do you have those emotions but you are to entranced by your own view in the message-mirror to notice? Don't you think that others should use your own standards when conversing with you? Or are there two sets of rules?

Leaving me alone was for your benefit, not mine... Bring it on if you must...

Oh, as for your silly attempt to make me feel insecure by insinuating that the others here wouldn't want to have me on their 'short list' I'm perfectly comfortable. My sense of security comes directly from the notion that God loves me and what you may think/say, while it does hurt at times really can't impact me at the end of the day.

Yea...and you know what I can't fundamentalists and the religous right Rush Limbaugh Ditto Heads who insist on trying to subjugate everybody to their religious points of view. If God loves you, great. If you feel comfortable, great. If you are comfortable with your faith, great. I am comfortable with mine - and for sure, I don't bring it up every chance I get.

You do this every so often Doug - get in your pulpit and make a sermon....

I'm also perfectly content to not attempt to dissuade you from the notion that you are by far Mr. Popular. <g> You see, even if no one in this community cared one whit for me that still wouldn't change my thoughts towards them. I cannever give back to these fine friends what they have so graciously and generously given to me John. I am now, and will forever be in their debt. Anything I could ever give to them is little or nothing compared to what they have given to me already. *s*

Wait...I feel my eyes welling up....

I'm sorry this has become personal for you John. I had hoped for more. Still, someone had to try and make you see a clear picture of yourself. If I have erred the fault is entirely my own.

Gee I don't know, somebody posting claiming that he is in it now to rub my nose in something....What gave you the impression it is personal??????

The dinner/lunch offer stands. Let's see if you're man enough to get past your petulence and take me up on it.

I am man enough to what I damn well please....

I honestly would love very much to make your acquaintance. If you do not wish to reciprocate, that's fine, but at least be mature enough to admit it is you that has a tolerance deficit.

Fine, I cannot tolerate you...Happy...

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