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OT: 'unbiased' election info?
06/11/2000 10:11:13
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MC>That's why I was looking for decent web pages. :)

DD>Ok.. I'll go stand in the corner now. <g>

Heh, that's not necessary. :)

DD>Yeah, me too. I do try to remember but I forget more than I'd like.

For me it's not really forgetting. I just can't get as interested in local politics as I should be.

DD>I was using that ocasion for any lurker too...


DD>Really? If you understand the thinking of the founding fathers I'd wager you would be a huge fan of it. Again, we are NOT a Democracy and no one ever intended that we be. It's all a bunch of bunk to try and make us one IMO.

I don't claim to understand the thinking of anyone except myself, and even that is questionable. :) I read a paper once that showed how mathematically each vote is worth more with this system. Even so, it just doesn't seem right to me that the person the majority votes for doesn't necessarily win. It's just a gut feeling that all the logic in the world doesn't deter.

DD>The other 'big deal' IMO would be to repeal the 17th ammendment. I'll let you find it and figure out why. <g>

I'd have to look that up. I don't have the amendments memorized. If it's the one limiting the term for presidents, I'd agree with you. :)

DD>Interesting. I still like to curl up with a real book. I would imagime Michelle that there'd be a copy online somewhere.

I prefer it, too. Unfortunately, I can't hold a book up for very long and looking down and reading makes me sick.

DD>Right. That's why I like to listen to Rush Limbaugh. He plainly states he's biased and then tells you what they are. As opposed to the national media that likes to portray themselves as unbiased, which they are not. IOW, I like the lack of hypocrisy. He has a wicked sense of humor that a lot of folks miss.

My dad likes him. I haven't listened to enough to form a decent opinion.

DD>Sure. seems to be pretty close.

Looks like a good site from what I've seen.

MC>Then there are the countries where voting is required...

DD>Yeah, and the leader gets 99% of the vote - or else. <g>

I was thinking of places like Belgium. You can vote for whoever you want, but you must vote. (At least that's how it was when I did a report on it as a kid; that may have changed)


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