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Complicated SQL - can we make it?
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I added unions and it works like a charm. I was incorrect in my assumption on maximum number of unions. The code is bellow:
*  Description.......: RunConfig - runs saved configuration
*  Calling Samples...: RunConfig('StdTrxnSale','vAllConfigs','\redp\work\query\qry000001.dbf','mastats.dbf'
*  Parameter List....: pcConfigName, pcConfigFile, infile_arg, outfile_arg
*  Created by........: Nadya Nosonovsky 11/01/2000 03:27:58 PM
*  Modified by.......: Nadya Nosonovsky 11/01/2000 04:16:06 PM
lparameters pcConfigName, pcConfigFile, inFile_arg, outFile_arg
* Validate passed parameters first
if empty(pcConfigName) or vartype(pcConfigName)<>'C'
     pcConfigName=upper('stdTrxnSale') && Default configuration
if empty(pcConfigFile) or vartype(pcConfigFile)<>'C'
     pcConfigFile='vAllConfigs' && Name of the view

if vartype(inFile_arg)='C' and not file(forceext(inFile_arg,'DBF'))
     inFile_arg=getfile('DBF', '', '', 0, 'Select Input Table')
     if empty(inFile_arg)  && user escaped or cancelled without picking
          return .f.           && fail quietly
if vartype(inFile_arg)='C' and not file(forceext(outFile_arg,'DBF'))
     outFile_arg=getfile('DBF', '', '', 0, 'Select or Create Output Table')
     if empty(outFile_arg)  && user escaped or cancelled without picking
          return .f.           && fail quietly
local lnOldSelect
lnOldSelect=select() && Save current area
if not dbused('Stats') && Stats database in not opened yet
     open database Stats
set database to Stats
if used('WorkConfig')
     use in WorkConfig
use (pcConfigFile) in 0 alias WorkConfig nodata && Open the view with configuration
select WorkConfig
if empty(inFile_arg) or vartype(inFile_arg)<>'C'
     if not empty(WorkConfig.InputTble) && use this file as InputTble
          inFile_arg=getfile('DBF', '', '', 0, 'Select Input Table')
          if empty(inFile_arg)  && user escaped or cancelled without picking
               return .f.           && fail quietly
if empty(outFile_arg) or vartype(outFile_arg)<>'C'
     if not empty(WorkConfig.OutTble) && use this file as InputTble
          outFile_arg=getfile('DBF', '', '', 0, 'Select or create Output Table')
          if empty(outFile_arg)  && user escaped or cancelled without picking
               return .f.           && fail quietly
if not file(forceext(inFile_arg,'DBF'))
     =messagebox (inFile_arg + ' does not exist! ',48, 'Error')
     return .f.  && fail
if WorkConfig.UpdExist && Update existing table
     if not file(forceext(outFile_arg,'DBF'))
          =messagebox ('File to update: '+outFile_arg + ' does not exist! ',48, 'Error')
          return .f.  && fail
     select WorkConfig
     local lcCreateTableCommand
     lcCreateTableCommand='create table '+outFile_arg+ ' free ('
               iif(!empty(FieldName),FieldName,F_NewName)+ ;
               space(1)+FieldType+ iif(not empty(FieldLen),'('+transform(FieldLen)+ ;
               iif(not empty(FieldDec),','+transform(FieldDec),'')+')','') + ','
     &lcCreateTableCommand && Create free table with the specified structure
     index on ccode+town+cYear+Period+UseGrp tag Geo
     local lcOutTble

     if used(lcOutTble)
          use in (lcOutTble)
local lnSeconds, lnMinutes, lnStartTime

* note clock reading for generating final timing statistics
lnStartTime = seconds()                         && # seconds since midnight

* Now let's deal with the specific configuration
* More general code will come later
if used('InputTable')
     use in InputTable
use (inFile_arg) in 0 alias InputTable  && No error checking for now
wait window nowait 'Wait while counting statistics...'
* First of all, prepare cursors of all possible periods
* The code bellow is created by Ed Rauh
local dIncDate, aDateRange[1,2], cDateToStick, cMonthPart
select min(date(val(cYear),val(cmonth),1)) as dmin, ;
     max(date(val(cYear),val(cmonth),1)) as dMax ;
     from InputTable ;
     into array aDateRange  && Save min and max 1st of month in array
select 0
create cursor tblMonths (cYr C(4), ; && Different from Input table structure to make SQLs easier
cMn C(2), cQtr C(2) )

dIncDate = aDateRange[1,1]              && Start at first month
do while dIncDate <= aDateRange[1,2]    && For each month through the last
     cDateToStick = dtos(dIncDate)        && Convert to YYYYMMDD
     cMonthPart = substr(cDateToStick,5,2) && Snag MM
     insert into tblMonths values (left(cDateToStick,4), ;
          cMonthPart, 'Q' + transform(ceiling(val(cMonthPart)/3)))
     dIncDate = gomonth(dIncDate,1)       && next month
** End of Ed Rauh's code - cursor tblMonths is created **********
local lcOldSetTalk
set talk window
set talk on && To visualize thermometr
* Start of Ko Wisse code *****************************************
select distinct cYr from tblMonths into cursor tblYears
select distinct cYr, cQtr from tblMonths into cursor tblQtrs

select ccode, town,  cYear, 'YR' as Period, UseGrp, ;
     count(price) as NumSales, sum(price) as VolSales ;
     from InputTable ;
     group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ; && Year
union ;   && Now quater
select ccode, town,  cYear, Qtr as Period, UseGrp, ;
     count(price) as NumSales, sum(price) as VolSales ;
     from InputTable ;
     group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;
     union ;  && Now month
select ccode, town,  cYear, cmonth as Period, UseGrp, ;
     count(price) as NumSales, sum(price) as VolSales ;
     from InputTable ;
     group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;
     union; && Now the same for county level
select ccode, 'zzzz',  cYear, 'YR' as Period, UseGrp, ;
     count(price) as NumSales, sum(price) as VolSales ;
     from InputTable ;
     group by 1, 3, 4, 5 ; && Start from year
union ;   && Now quater
select ccode, 'zzzz',  cYear, Qtr as Period, UseGrp, ;
     count(price) as NumSales, sum(price) as VolSales ;
     from InputTable ;
     group by 1, 3, 4, 5 ;
     union ;  && Now month
select ccode, 'zzzz',  cYear, cmonth as Period, UseGrp, ;
     count(price) as NumSales, sum(price) as VolSales ;
     from InputTable ;
     group by 1, 3, 4, 5 ;
     union; && Now the same for state level
select 'zz', 'zzzz',  cYear, 'YR' as Period, UseGrp, ;
     count(price) as NumSales, sum(price) as VolSales ;
     from InputTable ;
     group by  3, 4, 5 ; && Start from year
union ;   && Now quater
select 'zz', 'zzzz',  cYear, Qtr as Period, UseGrp, ;
     count(price) as NumSales, sum(price) as VolSales ;
     from InputTable ;
     group by  3, 4, 5 ;
     union ;  && Now month
select 'zz', 'zzzz',  cYear, cmonth as Period, UseGrp, ;
     count(price) as NumSales, sum(price) as VolSales ;
     from InputTable ;
     group by 3, 4, 5 ;
     into cursor curResult

******* Now prepare Year to date cursor ***************************
select ccode, town, cYr, 'YR' as Period, UseGrp, cYr+'YR' as tmpOrder, ;
     count(price) as YtdNumSale, sum(price) as YtdVolSale ;
     from InputTable, tblYears ;
     where cYear=cYr ;  && Years first
group by 1, 2, 5, 6 ;
     union ;  && Now quaters
select ccode, town, cYr, cQtr as Period, UseGrp, cYr+cQtr as tmpOrder, ;
     count(price) as YtdNumSale, sum(price) as YtdVolSale ;
     from InputTable, tblQtrs ;
     where cYear=cYr and Qtr between 'Q1' and cQtr ;
     group by 1, 2, 5, 6 ;
     union ; && Now months
select ccode, town, cYr, cMn as Period, UseGrp, cYr+cMn as tmpOrder, ;
     count(price) as YtdNumSale, sum(price) as YtdVolSale ;
     from InputTable, tblMonths ;
     where cYear=cYr and cmonth between '01' and cMn ;
     group by 1, 2, 5, 6 ;
     union ; && Continue with county level
select ccode, 'zzzz', cYr, 'YR' as Period, UseGrp, cYr+'YR' as tmpOrder, ;
     count(price) as YtdNumSale, sum(price) as YtdVolSale ;
     from InputTable, tblYears ;
     where cYear=cYr ;  && Years first
group by 1, 5, 6 ;
     union ;  && Now quaters
select ccode, 'zzzz', cYr, cQtr as Period, UseGrp, cYr+cQtr as tmpOrder, ;
     count(price) as YtdNumSale, sum(price) as YtdVolSale ;
     from InputTable, tblQtrs ;
     where cYear=cYr and Qtr between 'Q1' and cQtr ;
     group by 1, 5, 6 ;
     union ; && Now months
select ccode, 'zzzz', cYr, cMn as Period, UseGrp, cYr+cMn as tmpOrder, ;
     count(price) as YtdNumSale, sum(price) as YtdVolSale ;
     from InputTable, tblMonths ;
     where cYear=cYr and cmonth between '01' and cMn ;
     group by 1, 5, 6 ;
     union ; && Continue with state level
select 'zz', 'zzzz', cYr, 'YR' as Period, UseGrp, cYr+'YR' as tmpOrder, ;
     count(price) as YtdNumSale, sum(price) as YtdVolSale ;
     from InputTable, tblYears ;
     where cYear=cYr ;  && Years first
group by 5, 6 ;
     union ;  && Now quaters
select 'zz', 'zzzz', cYr, cQtr as Period, UseGrp, cYr+cQtr as tmpOrder, ;
     count(price) as YtdNumSale, sum(price) as YtdVolSale ;
     from InputTable, tblQtrs ;
     where cYear=cYr and Qtr between 'Q1' and cQtr ;
     group by  5, 6 ;
     union ; && Now months
select 'zz', 'zzzz', cYr, cMn as Period, UseGrp, cYr+cMn as tmpOrder, ;
     count(price) as YtdNumSale, sum(price) as YtdVolSale ;
     from InputTable, tblMonths ;
     where cYear=cYr and cmonth between '01' and cMn ;
     group by 5, 6 ;
     into cursor curYtdResult

** Now prepare the final result
select crYtd.ccode, crYtd.town, cYr, crYtd.Period, crYtd.UseGrp, ;
     NumSales, VolSales, YtdNumSale, YtdVolSale ;
     from curResult cr right join curYtdResult crYtd ;
     on cr.ccode+cr.town+cr.cYear+cr.Period+cr.UseGrp = ;
     crYtd.ccode+crYtd.town+crYtd.cYr+crYtd.Period+crYtd.UseGrp ;
     group by 1,2,3,4,5 ;
     into cursor curFinalResult
local lnTally
if      lcOldSetTalk='OFF'
     set talk off
* Close temporary cursors and no needed tables
use in curYtdResult
use in curResult
use in tblMonths
use in tblQtrs
use in tblYears
if used('OutTable')
     use in OutTable
use (outFile_arg) in 0 alias OutTable  && No error checking for now

local lcSearchExpr, lcCCode, lcTown, lccYear, lcPeriod, lcUseGrp, ;
     lnNumSales, lnVolSales, lnYtdNumSale, lnYtdVolSale, ;
     lnMedian, lnYtdMedian, lcWhere, lcWhereYTD
local PrevOnEsc, PrevEscape, lnCount, ;
     halt, lnUpdateNumber, msgTail, loTherm, lnCount, mnEnd

* support user Escapes for interrupting the main loop
PrevOnEsc = on('escape')                    && save previous Escape handler
PrevEscape = set('escape')                    && previous Escape enablement state
set escape on                                   && enable escape handling
halt = .f.                                        && allow loop to run until this flag is toggled
on escape halt = .t.                         && force immediate termination if user escapes
store 0 to lnCount

set message to 'Calculating statistics for '+transform(lnTally)+' records'
do case
case lnTally<100 && Very rare case
case between(lnTally,100,10000)
case lnTally>10000
* assemble fixed portion of status bar message outside of loop, for speed
msgTail = "/" + transform(lnTally) + ".  Wait or press Esc to cancel ..."

*--- instantiate thermometer bar class....
loTherm = newobject("thermometer", "wg.vcx","","Calculation Progress for: "+dbf('OutTable'),lnTally)
select curFinalResult && Scan loop in Final result

* check for user Escape
     if m.halt                                   && user escaped
          exit                                   && fall out of loop

** Update status message
     if mod(lnCount,100) = 0
          set message to 'Record # '+transform(lnCount)+m.msgTail

** Update thermometr
     if mod(lnCount,lnUpdateNumber) = 0

     if lcCCode<>'zz'
          lcWhere=lcWhere+'ccode="'+ lcCCode+'" and '
     if lcTown<>'zzzz'
          lcWhere=lcWhere+'town="'+lcTown + '" and '
     lcWhere=lcWhere+ 'cYear="'+lccYear+'" and UseGrp="'+lcUseGrp+'"'
     do case
     case left(lcPeriod,1)='Q' && Quater
          lcWhere=lcWhere+' and Qtr="'+lcPeriod+'"'
          lcWhereYTD=lcWhereYTD+' and Qtr between "Q1" and "'+lcPeriod+'"'
     case left(lcPeriod,1)='Y' && Year
     otherwise && Month
          lcWhere=lcWhere+' and cMonth="'+lcPeriod+'"'
          lcWhereYTD=lcWhereYTD+' and cMonth between "01" and "'+lcPeriod+'"'

     if tagno('Geo')>0 and seek(lcSearchExpr,'OutTable','Geo')
          replace OutTable.NumSales with lnNumSales, ;
               OutTable.VolSales with lnVolSales, ;
               OutTable.YtdNumSale with lnYtdNumSale, ;
               OutTable.YtdVolSale with lnYtdVolSale, ;
               OutTable.MedSale with lnMedian, ;
               OutTable.YtdMedSale with lnYtdMedian in OutTable
     else && Either tag doesn't exist or it's a new record and should be inserted
          insert into OutTable values (lcCCode, lcTown, lccYear, lcPeriod, lcUseGrp, ;
               lnNumSales, lnYtdNumSale, lnVolSales, lnYtdVolSale, ;
               lnMedian, lnYtdMedian)
wait clear
release loTherm
** Restore previous settings
on escape &PrevOnEsc
set escape &PrevEscape
set message to
* Close everything, which is not longer needed
use in curFinalResult
use in InputTable
use in OutTable
use in WorkConfig
** Determine elapsed time
mnEnd = seconds()

lnSeconds=mnEnd - lnStartTime
wait "Elapsed time for calculating statistics is " + ;
     iif(lnMinutes>0, transform(lnMinutes)+" min. ","")+;
     transform(lnSeconds) + " sec." window nowait
>>I spoke with my manager today and explained the problems, I'm experiencing. He basically agreed, if we can not find a way to generalize, we have to write independand programs for each configuration. It's a pity. BTW, he doesn't agree with the math definition of Median function. He told me, that we can calculate median only for number of items greater than 2 (3 or more) and we have to pick up one of them, if number of items is even. Since it contradicts with math definition, I didn't agree, so we will discuss this problem in our meeting. In the past we used his own Median definition...
>I've looked at your median function in the FAQ.
>I'll ask my mathematics teacher for what is the official method when i see him.
>>Now, let's return to the original SQL you helped me with. (See the code two messages back). I want to group not only by town, year, period and usegrp, but the same for county level (IOW, exclude town from grouping) and the same for state level (IOW, exclude town and county from grouping). What would be the best way to do it? Run the similar SQLs but without group by town and then without group by county, town or it could be done in one big SQL with 6/9 unions (AFAIK, there could be up to 5 union in one SQL). What do you suggest?
>>Thanks a lot in advance.
>First of all, Where did you found that there only could be 5 unions in one SQL. I didn't see that in the help and in the vfp system capabilities.
>If you want them all together, then it will work too. You do not have to group on the same fields in the different sub sql's. The final result will be ordered like you specify in the last sql query.
>If you don't need to have them together, then you can set up your grouping on the users wishes and include that in the sql string with macro substitution.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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