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My Endorsement of President Cheney
18/12/2000 11:43:29
18/12/2000 10:05:29
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>>Or am I just wrong since we disagree?
>Did I say you were wrong?

You know the answer far better to that question than I Mike. Did you?

>>I'm actually now curious to find out what you actually do stand for and believe and I'm betting you really do not know yet. If so - fine. Just come clean about it and face that reality.
>I don't have to come clean, I'm not sure. I'm not sure if its even worth my time on earth to have beliefs.

I see.. But I do need to come clean to you? <g> That sounds like either hypocrisy, a double standard, confusion or denial. However, I need to point out that you do have beliefs but you just don't want to admit it yet.

Actually it's starting to sound like you just haven't figured out how to deal with your feelings.

>>But do me the courtesy of reacting like an adult when I give you a response you do not agree with, ok?
>What wasn't adult like?

I don't owe you an answer. What do you care - you don't have beliefs, right?

>I said that you don't disguise yourself as something your not.

I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you very much. I do try to be myself.

>You just judge every one unfairly because you strongly believe in "higher" morals and think that everyone should do the same.

Judgement is an interesting word. I do make judgements. I just do not condemn. For example, I think Mr. Clinton so denigrated the Office of the President I'm not sure we'll ever recover completely. I think he lied, committed perjurt and a whole host of other very real crimes. I also think that OJ Simpson killed Nicole but in both cases they have escaped man's laws. They will not escape God's laws. My hope for both is that they 'come clean' and my prayer for them is that they do.

There is a difference between judgement as in making a determination and judgement as in condemnation. Perhaps you've confused the two?

But, for the record you just said I was wrong in that I am somehow 'unfair' and that was right after you said you didn't do that. That's a moral judgement Mike. Come clean and face reality. You do have standards whether you can admit it or not.

If you think I'm wrong just tell me and then please tell me why. I can handle it but I'm beginning to wonder if you can. You want to play in the deep end of the pool then yo'd better learn how to swim... <g>

But please... At least have the guts and courtesy to admit to yourself what is obvious to all reading your messages. It's quite ok with me if you disagree with me. I'm certainly aware that I don't have all the 'angles' on life and I'd very much like to learn and grow.

>Is my theory wrong?


>Well you were the one that said people who don't have the same view of langauge as you do not think as well as you do.

I honestly don't recall the specific issue but I do seem to recall that I thought that those who resorted to swear words illustrated a sort of 'sub-par' thought process.. You bet, and I think the same today. What evidence have you provided to me to convince me that swearing, as a form of communication, is better or more 'enlightened'. I'm very interested in learning how this might be so...

>And then my idea about people with strong beliefs, it is very difficult to show them that there is another point of view here and they find it very hard (if not impossible) to accept them. Quick examples of this are fighting in the Middle East, the Crusades, and the Salem witch hunts. Thats why I don't want any beliefs. And your reply to that idea was that I was trying to harm you or something, which further backs it up.

Well, you cannot avoid having beliefs Mike, even if you may think they are neutral. There really is no such thing but, again, I'm sure willing to be enlightened.

It really sounds like you're just trying to avoid the pain that comes from adopting some sort of belief system as you (rightly) deduce that they all contain inherent conflict with others. If this is your reasoning I'd agree but also remind you that using conflict avoidance as a sort of guidepost is in itself a belief system. It's the one where you place your own 'feelings' as being more important than anything else.

I guess I'd only say that this will not keep pain away from your life. What I am suggesting is that folks choose a belief system based on reason and reasonableness.



A man is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose.
Everything I don't understand must be easy!
The difficulty of any task is measured by the capacity of the agent performing the work.

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