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Compassionate Liberalism
22/12/2000 22:02:07
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>You know, Alan Greenspan has tremendous power. I've often thought that he's the real power in DC.

It is really Hillary. < g >

>As far as Rush's accuracy goes I have to tell you that I've been listening to him sine 989 when he was only in Sacramento. He's been very cogent in his opinions and the information that I've heard him state has been really quite accurate. Those whom you call "ditto heads" actually are pretty independent thinkers. However, if you want to categorize folks in that manner I'd be careful as the 'mainstream' press is far more intolerant of differing opinions from what I've seen. Not a slam mind you but they really do run in a pack. Aham.. I agree with Rush in his analysis that the mainstream press is basically lazy and they've kind of forgotten how to do the old-fashioned 'donw & dirty' street level reporting and investigative work. While youmay not like him Matt Drudge has unearthed several 'first' as well. It's this digging for information rather than just swallowing the spin that I appreciate and I'm keenly aware that others make mistakes.

And what of my other post here, concerning Rush's statement that the economy has been in a downturn for a year. Ditto-heads hear this, or read it, and take it as the gospel. I hear a lot of complaints about the mainstream media, but what about statements like this? And this was the first article I looked at.

This is a misconception about Matt Drudge. People think he broke the Lewinsky story, but it was Newsweek who was investigating it. They were trying to make sure they had the story straight, which Drudge isn't too worried about. He was right that time (although Newsweek did the work), but dead wrong in the case of Blumenthal. He would rather be first, then right. Does the mainstream media get it wrong too? Sure they do. But conservatives jumped to Drudge like an addict to crack. He was helping knock down the enemy, so he must be OK.

And what about that? The liberal media, hounding Clinton about his infidelity. I am not talking about Lewinsky, but when he was running for President in 1992. You would think that the "liberal" media didn't lay a glove on him. This portrait of the media as trying to protect liberals is way out of hand. They went after him on Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, draft dodging, smoking pot, etc. Where do you think these stories originated? It was the fourth estate doing their job.

And this is my continuing them about politics. I sit here on the sideline, laughing at the left and the right. I probably lean a bit left, but I do not identify with a lot of Democrats, like Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton. Yet it amazes me that people follow Rush. They complain about the bias in the media, then listen to a guy who is just as biased the other way. Total hypocrisy. Really, I find it totally amazing.

About the only analysis I really even listen to anymore is the O'Reilly factor on Fox News. I usually don't agree with him, but so far, I have found him to be objective.

>And.. As far as the expense of VB programmers.. Dunno.. Maybe they're still trying to create a real framework.. <g>
Chris McCandless
Red Sky Software

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