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Hi everybody,

Instead of "Color disabled - gray" I think this thread would be better suited for this long discussion. I suggest to abandon the previous thread and continue here.

There is some extracts (I used only one message for simplicity):
>I think, that this is an interesting discussion, but it absolutely doesn't relate now with the original question. Therefore the title is also confusing. I I already suggested to Michel in private to rename this thread and move it to another section (Chatter). Unfortunately, this thread could not be splitted to separate technical question from general non-relevant observations.
>Anyway, I propose to start a new thread. May be select couple of messages and put them as an info for the start.
>What do you think? (I cc to all new participants).
>>>Eh? You hear me saying that? I wasn't even talking about the native key discussion...I was talking in general about how some questions get answered with responses about design and methodology more than just answering the question directly. My example would be scrollable forms. The first post answering any questions about scrollable forms invariably states: "scrollable forms are BAD". Poppycock. Someone may have a very good reason to use scrollable forms (and they shouldn't have to explain themselves), and may be on the verge of a revolutionary new interface that will bring Bill Gates to his knees. OK, maybe not...but do you see my point? A question should be answered. If the person who asked then needs more help, then help them. Yes, there are obvious ones like: "I have never used Fox me with the SAY and GET syntax" Yes, in that case I would say it is better to tell the poor soul that we don't really use SAYs and GETs anymore.
>>Sorry, I misread your follow-up to Walter Meesters (?) post as supporting native keys. Regardless, the my argument is still the same. People giving advice in this forum are not paid. They contribute for whatever reason: sense of community, pride, fishing for more work, whatever. Either way, they contribute without being paid, so far as I know.
>>And when they tell me not to do something, like maybe scrollable forms, it doesn't mean I won't use them, I just don't expect their help when I post a question about them.
>>FWIW, I just did a search over the past 6 months in this forum and found a number of positive responses on scrollable forms. Ko Wisse and Bruce Campbell to name two. One person advised not to use them, but still offered a solution.
>>>But when the questions deal with database normalization, or key generation, or remote views vs. SQL passthrough...these questions should just be answered straight-up and not laden with personal diatribes on how some processes are "lousy" while others are manna from heaven. Examples of good answers include example code and URLs to web sites or names of books for further study. Examples of a bad answer are things like "well, we tried that and it sucked", or "you are better off just avoiding that whole area because it is non-standard". Thoses kinds of answers are non-helpful at the best, and grating at the worst.
>>I completely disagree. When I hear, "we tried that and it sucked", I want to know why. I do not want to repeat someone else's mistakes. If they tried it and it sucked because they don't know what they're doing, fine. If I respect their opinion, then I want to learn from their experience. And if I hear non-standard, I especially pay attention. I have done non-standard things in the past, and it has bitten me in the a**. Always? No. But more often than not.
>>And you could always pay MS or a paid consultant $150/hour, or whatever they charge and maybe not get the personal diatribes. Or you can get the occaisional diatribe with some outstanding help for the low, low price of free.
>>I guess my argument is like this: When I go to someone's house and they feed me for free, I don't bitch if I didn't get dessert. < bg >
>>>And if Ed Rauh answers my question straight up, I will appreciate it. If I say "I am stuck with this indexing scheme...can you help", and his only answer is "start from scratch", then that's great, but I doubt that would be the only answer Ed would have.
>>>BTW, I don't get ticked off at the experts, and I have never berated anyone who answered my questions, privately or publicly. I generally just do what we all do...grumble to myself, forget about it, and once in a while post a small rant, as I just did.
>>>Nor do I. But if the bad design is there and cannot be changed, then give me something I can use...don't just tell me I am screwed -- I probably know that already. *grin*
>>I agree.
>>>Nope, nor would I. If I ask how to use SAYs and GETs and then later realize I should be using forms and textboxes, I am not going to yell at someone for not telling me there was a better solution out there. There is _always_ going to be a better solution out there -- a programmer needs to find some of those for him/her self.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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