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1900-2000 The American Century
05/01/2001 11:18:16
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>>>That is an interesting article. But my question is why? Why are property rights so respected in some countries, but not in others?
>>Good question..
>>Socialism and Communism and Facism (the three faces of existentialism) all have as an underlying ideological foundation the notion that man is evolving and that he (man) is somehow able to 'better' himself.
>>Those countries that have in the past or who now honor the notion of private property like the United States (though we've gotten away from that too much in recent years IMO) have as underlying notion their dependence on God.
>Then why have muslim countries not prospered as we have?

Dunno.. I don't know enough about how the religion of Islam affects its adherents. I'll bet it does though. Mostly what I know is that they are very hard working but I'm not sure about some of the other issues like how fundamentally optimistic they may be and so forth. I know that many overseas have eschewed many modern inventions and conveniences out of a sense that they might lose their identities. I don't have a problem with that (not that it's any of my business anyway. <g>) but I'd think it has affected some of their technological advances.

>>While you may not see or acknowledge this fundamental difference it has had HUGE impacts on the notion of private property.
>>Those who believe in man's ability to better himself always seem to end up at the notion that those men who are governing know best for the governed. They tend to arrive at the conclusion that they have risen to the top of their respective political 'heaps' and that is an indication of their superiority - even over their countrymen. They see themselves as the embodiment of moral certitude and eventually arrogance overcomes good judgement and they begin to step into their society (or others in the case of the Facists in WWII) and appropriate that which is not rightfully theirs.
>>If you have listened carefully to Mr. Clinton's remarks and the remarks of many Democrats in Congress, when the issue of a tax refund/rebate/giveback has come up they will more often than not couch their words in terms that indicate that they see all the earned monies in the US as theirs and they are giving us back some. Not that we earn and own the money and they are taking less.
>OK, here we go again. I could not help but notice you jumped right from facists to Clinton. If you are going to make broad statements like that, I am going to ask for specifics. Who, what, where, and when.

I explained all of this two paragraphs up. Did you not read my post or do you not comprehend it? Or do you not want to? Mr. Clinton exhibits existentialism like no other public figure I've ever seen. I mean, redefining the words 'is' and 'sex' for goodness sakes. Perhaps you know nothing about existentialism? If you want me to write a treatise on Communism, Socialism, Facism and how they relate to existentialist thought then you're going to be disappointed I guess. Let me direct you to the writings of the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer for that.

And yes, here we go again.. Do your own dang research. <g> I've told you where to get the information. Go get the books and learn something. Cripes, don't you know anything about Communism, Fascism, Socialism or existentialism? Are you unable to think how they relate to each other?? C'mon Chris, don't disappoint me here..

I stand by my statement. Mr. Clinton just today is going to 'grab' some 60 million acres of land and 'protect' them. He's already reversed the very first executive order he initiated after his first swearing in in 1992. You remember, that's the one where federal employees are barred for 5 years from lobbying. Funny that he now recinds it. There are but two examples but I suppose that won't be enough for you. If you want more go read a newspaper or even better, Matt Drudge's web site. <g>

>>Those in the camp that reverence God (even in some small distant aspect) understand the notion that they are stewards of the material 'goods' and that they are therefore responsible to someone outside of themselves for responsibly taking care of these 'goods'. Now, that can be God or the electorate but the sense of responsibility is still there.
>This is a Republican camp?

No, not at all. There are many liberal Republicans who are IMO just as 'off the reservation' as liberal Democrats are. OTOH< there are a few conservative Democrats who are 'cool' IMO. James Trafficant for one. Funny how the so-called bipartisanship of the Democratic Party evaporated about 1 1/2 hours after they were all sworn in yesterday. Trafficant voted for Hastert as was his right and the Dems immediatly kicked him out. Now, that's Liberal Compassion for you! Hypocrites - plain and simple. I'm sick of them and the likes of Jesse Jackson who take advantage of their own for monetary gain.

>>This is also why Democrats/Liberals are usually much better at politics. For them it's their religion - for the typical Conservative (some Republicans but certainly not all) governance is a duty or tak not a faith. They have a life beyond govenment.
>Like Newt?

Lat time I looked Newt had a life. Since you brought his name up should Hillary do what Newt did and only take one dollar advance for her book? You remember of course how the liberals all howled about his 4.5 million deal don't you? Or do you have selective memory now? <g> Hers is some 8 million, which by my count is almost double what his was. Should she do the same?

>>So, while some will decry my reference to faith here it strikes me as being very important when one examines the various reasons for human behavior. I will hasten to say that too many churches have bought into the 'touchy feely' 'seeker friendly' modern day psycho-babble that is masquerading for Christianity - and they are experiencing great diminishment as a result as well.
>>Far too many have allowed feelings to trump facts.
>That is all too apparent from your post.

Give me a break. <g> Is that the best you can do? You're starting to remind me of the child who responds, "You did it too!" <g>

Where's your substance man?


A man is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose.
Everything I don't understand must be easy!
The difficulty of any task is measured by the capacity of the agent performing the work.

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