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Strtran() analogue in VC++
29/01/2001 06:52:13
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Visual C++
Codage, syntaxe et commandes
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First of all, thanks a lot for your help. Secondly, how should I include MFC, what is the include file? What is MAX_PATH in your example, is this constant defined somewhere in include file? Could you provide the full C++ code, which I can just insert into project and test?

Thanks again.

>There are a whole bunch of string manipulation functions available in the C Runtime Library, unfortunately there isn't one single function that does exactly what the VFP strtran()function does but enough functionality to create your own.
>Their is an easier alternative if you are willing to use MFC. MFC provides a string class called CString, one of the member functions is called Replace(). This does exactly what you want to do and hides all the complexity off allocating more heap space if the string grows etc. To use this in other functions expecting character pointer(s) you can use the overriden LPCTSTR cast operator.
>TCHAR szString[MAX_PATH];
>CString strSample("C--");
>// The integer nCount should contain the number of instances replace.
>int nCount = strSample.Replace('-', '+');
>ASSERT(nCount == 2);
>ASSERT(strSample == "C++");
>sprintf(szString, "I think %s is cool!", (LPCTSTR)strSample);
>The following is a list of CRT string manipulation functions from MSDN:-
>_mbscoll, _mbsicoll, _mbsncoll, _mbsnicoll Compare two multibyte-character strings using multibyte code page information (_mbsicoll and _mbsnicoll are case-insensitive)
>_mbsdec, _strdec, _wcsdec Move string pointer back one character
>_mbsinc, _strinc, _wcsinc Advance string pointer by one character
>_mbslen Get number of multibyte characters in multibyte-character string; dependent upon OEM code page
>_mbsnbcat Append, at most, first n bytes of one multibyte-character string to another
>_mbsnbcmp Compare first n bytes of two multibyte-character strings
>_mbsnbcnt Return number of multibyte-character bytes within supplied character count
>_mbsnbcpy Copy n bytes of string
>_mbsnbicmp Compare n bytes of two multibyte-character strings, ignoring case
>_mbsnbset Set first n bytes of multibyte-character string to specified character
>_mbsnccnt Return number of multibyte characters within supplied byte count
>_mbsnextc, _strnextc, _wcsnextc Find next character in string
>_mbsninc. _strninc, _wcsninc  Advance string pointer by n characters
>_mbsspnp, _strspnp, _wcsspnp Return pointer to first character in given string that is not in another given string
>_mbstrlen Get number of multibyte characters in multibyte-character string; locale-dependent
>sprintf, _stprintf Write formatted data to a string
>strcat, wcscat, _mbscat Append one string to another
>strchr, wcschr, _mbschr Find first occurrence of specified character in string
>strcmp, wcscmp, _mbscmp Compare two strings
>strcoll, wcscoll, _stricoll, _wcsicoll, _strncoll, _wcsncoll, _strnicoll, _wcsnicoll Compare two strings using current locale code page information (_stricoll, _wcsicoll, _strnicoll, and _wcsnicoll are case-insensitive)
>strcpy, wcscpy, _mbscpy Copy one string to another
>strcspn, wcscspn, _mbscspn,  Find first occurrence of character from specified character set in string
>_strdup, _wcsdup, _mbsdup Duplicate string
>strerror Map error number to message string
>_strerror Map user-defined error message to string
>strftime, wcsftime Format date-and-time string
>_stricmp, _wcsicmp, _mbsicmp Compare two strings without regard to case
>strlen, wcslen, _mbslen, _mbstrlen Find length of string
>_strlwr, _wcslwr, _mbslwr Convert string to lowercase
>strncat, wcsncat, _mbsncat Append characters of string
>strncmp, wcsncmp, _mbsncmp Compare characters of two strings
>strncpy, wcsncpy, _mbsncpy Copy characters of one string to another
>_strnicmp, _wcsnicmp, _mbsnicmp Compare characters of two strings without regard to case
>_strnset, _wcsnset, _mbsnset Set first n characters of string to specified character
>strpbrk, wcspbrk, _mbspbrk Find first occurrence of character from one string in another string
>strrchr, wcsrchr,_mbsrchr Find last occurrence of given character in string
>_strrev, _wcsrev,_mbsrev Reverse string
>_strset, _wcsset, _mbsset Set all characters of string to specified character
>strspn, wcsspn, _mbsspn Find first substring from one string in another string
>strstr, wcsstr, _mbsstr Find first occurrence of specified string in another string
>strtok, wcstok, _mbstok Find next token in string
>_strupr, _wcsupr, _mbsupr Convert string to uppercase
>strxfrm, wcsxfrm Transform string into collated form based on locale-specific information
>vsprintf, _vstprint Write formatted output using a pointer to a list of arguments
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