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Open Source Threat?
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Hey all,

Was just perusing Slashdot when I came across an article about Jim Allchin bashing Open Source. Nay, more than bashing -- almost threatening. Threatening with arguments that have absolutely no basis of fact and strike me as the worst example of FUD I have seen in a decade. Check out:


What the Hell is going on here? Open Source is un-American? Open Source stifles innovation? How does this guy even have a job, much less as a MS bigwig?

Dang, I need to calm down. I get angry just thinking about it. Some of the more salient points on Slashdot (huge discussion over there...over 1300 responses) address fears that what Allchin really means by "...and I don't think we've done enough education of policy makers to understand the threat" is "How much money or other favors does MS need to give to policy makers to make them see the 'evils' of Open Source". I mean, come on...he is calling Open Source a "threat" to the American Way. This is outrageous!

I guess I just wanted to know what people thought about this...does anyone else see this as something to be feared? Having an (alleged) monopoly is one thing, but now MS appears to be poised to start taking competition out through policy control and political pandering. I guess I just feel helpless against it...it's not like this is any different than a lot of MS's other tactics, but this appears to be the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

I am just tired of influential people throwing around statements ("Open Source is a threat to innovation") without any proof, anecdotal or otherwise. Then the newswires run with the story, and before you know it the issue isn't even about whether or not Open Source is a viable business model anymore. Instead, the issue now becomes, hm, is Open Source even _legal_? I have seen a lot of topic-degrading tactics like this in the past, but to go from "Open Source: can it work?" to "Nah, Open Source is just plain illegal" should be called out on the floor and quelled right from the start. In my opinion, Jim Allchin is an idiot.

One final thought from one of the Slashdot posts: When Allchin states at the end, "We [MS] can build a better product than Linux..." one question comes to mind -- why don't they? *smile*

Thanks for reading my rant. I have to go stick my head in an ice cube now. Fortunately, I am in Iowa so that shouldn't be a problem.


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