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FindWindow() vs FindWindowA().... Handle for word app se
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Hi George,

Thanx for jumping in. This is what I found.
** instantiate WORD automation
** get a handle to the word application server.
oWordHandle = FindWindowA("OpusApp", NULL) && null is the trick

Now that I have the handle on the server, I can do use a host of API calls. The reason why I wanted this predicatable method of getting a handle on the server is this. While waiting for WORD to come up on the desktop, a grumpy user could start clicking on things like icons and then something like GetForeGroundWindow() might not reliably give me WORD'S handle. FindWindowA() works great and is just what I needed.

DR. G. (Neil)

>>Hi Cetin,
>>I posted this email to UT so everyone can benefit.
>>Thank you for your response. I ran the following code:
>>declare integer FindWindow in win32API string @ cClass, string @ cTitle
>>oword = CREATEOBJECT("Word.Application")
>>with oWord
>> .documents.add
>> .Activedocument.SaveAs('c:\My documents\A long filename word document')
>> .visible = .t.
>> .activate
>> lcDocName = .ActiveDocument.Fullname
>> if at('\',lcDocName)>0 && If has path info too
>> lcDocName = substr(lcDocName,rat('\',lcDocName)+1)
>> endif
>> hWnd = FindWindow(0,lcDocName+' - Microsoft Word')
>> ? lcDocName,hWnd
>>When I closed WORD the hWnd variable was displayed as 0 not a valid handle. Did I misunderstand something? I also have another question.
>>Doesn't FindWindow() return a handle on a WORD document's window and FindWindowA() return a handle on the server application's window ie:WORD?
>>If we used FindWindowA(), instead of FindWindow(), it wouldn't matter what the name of the active document was.
>>Page 180 of Tamars' Book discusses FindWindowA(), not FindWindow(), with the Class for WORD = OpusApp.
>>But FindWindowA("OpusApp", oword.caption) returns .T. Either the class of OpusApp is wrong or I am missing something.
>>Any thoughts ?
>Dr.G. (Neil),
>Nope OpusApp is correct for the window frame, but not the document. When you instantiate a Word.Application, of course, there's no document window.
>As for FindWindowA(), it is the same function as FindWindow(). Many functions that return strings come in two flavors A and W (and I don't mean root beer, either< g >). The A versions are regular ASCII. The W version are for Unicode character sets. Which is being used depends on the localized version of Windows.
>One suggestion. If you have access to the complete Visual Studio, there's a tool named Spy++. If you play around with that and Word you'll probably find some new stuff out.

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