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SQL Expression is too complex
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BTW, sometimes it's good to post a code samples. I found two problems in this code, which I'll fix, when I receive the application back (currently another developer is making changes in it).

>You can use several INLIST combained with OR clause. Or you can create a cursor of all codes and then just use select * from myTable where code in (select code from myCursor).
>This is how I implemented this criterion: (I used temporary table approach, but I probably have to re-think it):
>*  Description.......: BTCC_group.BTC_WherExp: obtain the search expression for this criterion
>*  Calling Samples...:
>*  Parameter List....: mapto_arg
>*  Created by........:
>*  Modified by.......: Nadya Nosonovsky 09/29/2000 03:21:53 PM
>* This function returns a single piece of the search criteria, or empty string if nothing selected.
>lparameters mapto_arg, tcQueryType, tnMaxLen, tnNumCrit, tlShowCrit
>* takes 5 optional arguments
>* mapto_arg:                         optional alias.fieldname mapping to use in resulting expression.
>*                                        If omitted or empty, the mapping is determined by the array
>*                                        property, btcmaparray, for the current query type.
>local lcCrit, lcRetValue, lnSel, i, lnCodes, mapto
>if vartype(m.gcTempPath)"C" && Variable is not yet defined
>     public gcTempPath
>     gcTempPath=addbs(sys(2023))
>with this
>     mapto=iif(empty(m.mapto_arg), .btcMapArray[thisform.btcQTmappingNum], m.mapto_arg)
>     if empty(m.mapto) && empty for this Query Type && or control is not visible
>          lcRetValue=''
>          return m.lcRetValue
>     endif
>     lcCrit = .BTC_ItemList()          && get the list of selected items
>     if empty(m.lcCrit)                    && no explicit selection was made
>          lcRetValue=''                    && null criterion result
>     else
>          lnCodes=.nSelects
>          if empty(m.lnCodes)
>               lnCodes=occurs(',',m.lcCrit)+1 && Number of commas within crit
>          endif
>          do case
>          case m.lnCodes=1 && only one value
>               lcRetValue= m.mapto+iif(.ExcludeFlag,'','=') + m.lcCrit
>          case m.lnCodes&& INLIST function is limited by 24 codes
>* return INLIST() criterion for field value in an enumerated list
>               lcRetValue=  iif(.ExcludeFlag,'!','')+'INLIST(' + m.mapto + ',' + m.lcCrit + ')'
>          case m.lnCodes>24 and m.lnCodes* Temproraly solution - breaks on the several INLISTs
>               lcCrit=''
>               lcRetValue=''
>               for i=1 to m.lnCodes
>                    lcCrit=m.lcCrit+'"'+.btcSelArray[i]+'"'+iif(mod(m.i,24)=0 or m.i=m.lnCodes,'',',')
>                    if mod(m.i,24)=0
>                         lcRetValue=m.lcRetValue + ;
>                              iif(m.i>24,iif(.ExcludeFlag,' and not',' or'),iif(.ExcludeFlag,'not','')) + ;
>                              ' INLIST(' + m.mapto + ',' + m.lcCrit + ')'
>                         lcCrit=''  && Start a new loop
>                    endif
>               next
>               if !empty(m.lcCrit)          && Remainder
>                    lcRetValue=m.lcRetValue + iif(.ExcludeFlag,' and not',' or') + ;
>                         ' INLIST(' + m.mapto + ',' + m.lcCrit + ')'
>               endif
>               lcRetValue='('+alltrim(m.lcRetValue)+')' && Surrounded by ()
>          case m.lnCodes >= .nMaxSelects
>               local lcTempName
>               lcTempName='btc'+proper(substr(m.mapto,rat('.',m.mapto)+1))
>               .btcJoinExp=' INNER JOIN ' + m.gcTempPath + .TableName+' ' + ;
>                    m.lcTempName+' ON '+ m.mapto + '='+m.lcTempName+'.BtcCode'
>               lcRetValue=m.mapto + iif(.ExcludeFlag,' NOT','') + ;
>                    ' IN ('+m.lcCrit+')'
>               if m.tlShowCrit
>                    tnMaxLen=max(m.tnMaxLen,len(m.lcCrit)) && Calculate max length
>                    tnNumCrit=m.tnNumCrit+round(len(m.lcCrit)/100,0)+1 && Increment number of strings
>               endif
>          endcase
>     endif
>return m.lcRetValue
>>Hi All,
>>I am trying to create a screen where the user can select criteria for a report. The problem I am running into is that when I use the 'IN ()' in the WHERE clause there is a limit of 25 items per 'IN'. I might need up to 100+ in some cases. I need to have from 1 to 13 possible 'IN's in the statement. Since we are using the VFP ODBC to access a standard 'DBC' type database. The notion of Stored Proc is out of the question from what I've been told. If the criteria is kept to a minimum everything works fine. But this may not always be the case.
>>Anybody have an idea of a way to get around this limitation? Will I have to do several queries? If so, at what level do I do the breakdown?
>>P.S. VFP6 SP3
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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