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VFP Marketing Plan
06/06/2001 08:45:02
06/06/2001 05:11:29
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
Information générale
Visual FoxPro
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>>>VFP will NEVER get the marketing dollars of VB, but some people are wanting just that. It's time to wake up, grow up and face reality.<<
>Who told you that people expect that? I've read carefully and the above sounds like a "straw man" argument to me.

You need to clarify "some". I've talked to hundreds of people in the Fox community and there are "some" that have said they want VFP marketed like VB. I can't put specific numbers on "some", but it is a small percentage of the people I've talked to.

>People are asking for "marketing". Not the same marketing as VB, not millions of dollars, just marketing. Any marketing.

That's my point... there *IS* marketing. Once you understand how MS does marketing, and look at the evidence, it you'll see that it has been done.

>FYI Marketing is not just a few ads scattered here and there and a page on a website or two, it is a planned process to build awareness and approval.

No. McDonalds and Coke certainly don't need to build awareness and approval. They just need to say "We're still here".

>it targets people like Gartner.

We'll never change the minds of Gartner because that would mean they'd have to say "We were wrong" and they aren't going to do that.

>It also makes sure that MS employees do not bag the product.

I agree that MS *field* personnel could use some help in this area. I've talked at length about this with the field people here in SLC. They sometimes get hundreds of emails a day... simply more than they can get through. They have to be very selective about which ones they read. If they see something from Robert Green, they'll look at that and say "I don't know him. I don't have time. Here's an email from a customer."

>Simple processes that generate significant results need not cost a fortune.
>Compare Kylix with VFP and you will see the difference between a proper marketing campaign and a damp squib. One generates excitement, interest and approval. The other (so far) makes not a jot of difference to anybody who does not already use the product.

Borland is a very, very small company compared to MS. It's easier for them to get the word out to their field people. They are also in a relatively new market that is begging for tools. Borland is also desparate for a product that will generate more revenue. This makes it easier for executive staff to allocate the marketing dollars. Kylix is also a new product. Borland wants to generate excitement and awareness about it.

>I hope I'm wrong, Craig, but to date the "evidence" tends to support me, not you.

Only when you are turning a blind eye to the "evidence" that shows there has been marketing.

Craig Berntson
MCSD, Microsoft .Net MVP, Grape City Community Influencer

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