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VFP Marketing Plan
07/06/2001 13:10:00
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>Whether VFP "fails" or not is not the issue in this thread entitled "VFP Marketing Plan". Whether we've had a crack at trying to improve "the marketing Plan" and making sure it doesn't consist of ads in FPA and VBPJ, is what matters.
>>Sure, but after throwing dust in the air, unless you can get to Bill Gates or the other decision makers you're spinning your wheels. I could perhaps affect your company's marketing as I can 'reach' you. MSFT is a little tougher. <g>
>>That leaves personal effort and IM(so-called smug <g>)O <g> this is where we can do the best.
>>>If you believe in something it isn't the winning that counts, it is the taking part that matters. Seems to me some people prefer to stand at the sidelines scoffing at participants and saying it doesn't matter. I think it matters a lot.
>>I'd disagree. I do not compete to lose. I compete to win. That is all that counts IMO here. "Winning" here I'd define as getting MSFT to market (not advertise) the product. Let's see what happens.
>>>As for your project: go for it!!! Do well. Make Waves. Make a million dollars, I know you can!
>>If the Good Lord wills, we will. I'm content to do my job today and let tomorrow take care of itself. Nonetheless, I appreciate your confidence and encouragement. Thanks!
>I admire your positive outlook and faith that God will somehow see us through, but I don't think that precludes our taking some positive steps to do something about the situation. You seem to be in agreement that getting MS to do a better job of marketing VFP is a worthy goal, and this would require getting through to MS upper management. We're not fretting about the problem, Doug. We're trying to do something about it, as politely and effectively as we can. I don't see how we could make this much easier or more painless. If you think we've got our priorities mixed up, or this is a waste of time, I'm not going to argue with your personal judgement about that. The part I have trouble with is why you (and Craig) should be actively opposing our efforts. I fail to see the logic for that. Are you trying to do us a favor?

Well, a couple things. As far as I can see God could care less about FoxPro - either way. <g> I stated that information so as to let folks know how I look at things and perhaps remind them that in life there are far bigger fish to fry. <g> I understand that others don't have the same sense of hope I do as a result. I only point that out to again remind folks that attitude is more important that ability. I'd much rather hire somoen with fewer skills but a good attitude than the other way around.

My life does not revolve around the eventual success or failure of Visual FoxPro as a product. If it continues - great. If it does not I'll find another. I'd say that after 16 +/- years that I've had a good ride so far. <g>

As far as doing something I made the suggestion that we all make the personal committment to do what we do to our best abilities. IMO that is what will produce the groundswell that will cause the pointy-haired Gartner Group-influenced types (ie. those who pay others to do their strategic thinking for them) to get VFP on their 'radar scopes', so to speak. I have no illusions on how difficult this might be.

I also have no argument with those (like you?) who want to take a more direct approach. I just think that MSFT has, by virtue of the sheer volume of these kinds of approaches, pretty well insulated themselves against it. That's all.

Look.. I've had dinner with Bill Gates in 1992 at his home. There were ~100 FoxPro folks there and he spent the evening with us. I personally gave him a 9 ounce sweatshirt with the FoxPro 2.0 beta design on it (I printed them). Bill Gates is I'd imagine about as high up in the MSFT food chain as one can get <g> and I'd also think that he is aware of VFP. Now, if I had that same chance again I'd not be confrontational with him, I'd simply suggest that the community needs a little boost. The thing is is that you have to realize that this is going oin right now.

Are there disparate factions within Microsoft - each promoting their own agendas? Of sourse. You'd have to be pretty naive to think otherwise. I just think we need to be smart is all and I am not convinced that your approach is the most productive. No big deal IMO.

I don't think anyone is actively opposing you and as far as I'm concerned I'd just say go for it. Quit worrying about someone like me and just do what you think is the best way to go. Focus on your agenda, not mine and I'll bet you get better results... I think you are incorrectly presuming that my position is opposition. It is not. It is my view and you are not a victim nor am I trying to pick on you. Quite candidly, you do not occupy a large part of my thought process. I usually reserve tha bulk of that thinking about myself. <g>

Differences of opinion are just that, not active opposition.


A man is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose.
Everything I don't understand must be easy!
The difficulty of any task is measured by the capacity of the agent performing the work.

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